This study aims to investigate the influence of spiritual values on work motivation, management control, and the quality of financial information on Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) in Indonesia. Spiritual values are measured using four reflexive indicators, namely, Shiddiq, Fathanah, Amanah, and Tabligh. Work motivation is formed by four formative indicators, namely, compensation, recognition, work experience, and openness. Management control variable is formed by four formative indicators, namely, planning, implementing, evaluating, and monitoring, and finally, the quality of financial information is manifested in four reflexive variables, namely, relevant, comparable, understandable, and consistent. Data are collected through questionnaires with 125 respondents as samples from three types of IFIs, such as Islamic banking, Islamic pawnshop, and Islamic insurance in Indonesia. Methods of data analysis include the use of partial least squares (PLS) to analyze the influence of spiritual values on work motivation, management control, and quality of financial information. The results of this study showed that the manifestation of spiritual values in IFIs is able to influence the quality of financial information through the media as motivation and management control, but directly spiritual values are not able to influence the quality of financial information. While work motivation and management control significantly influence the quality of financial information.