采用自制的二氧化硅胶体聚合体,进行了pH值、接触时间和铀初始浓度对二氧化硅胶体聚合体吸附铀效果影响试验,结果表明,溶液的pH对二氧化硅胶体聚合体吸附铀的效果影响较大,并且在pH为4时吸附铀的效果达到最佳;二氧化硅胶体聚合体吸附铀的速度快,30 min即可达到吸附平衡;该材料去除铀的效率高,当溶液中铀初始浓度低于10 mg/L时,该材料对铀的去除率大于98%;随着初始铀浓度增加,吸附容量增加,铀的去除率降低;扫描电镜分析结果表明,二氧化硅胶体聚合体表面形貌吸附铀前后变化不大;能谱分析结果表明,1 g吸附剂所吸附铀的质量分数为4.32%,与二氧化硅胶体聚合体从溶液中吸附铀43.0 mg相吻合.
The aim of this study was to explore the adsorption behavior of uranium( Ⅵ) on self-made SiO_2 colloids polymer.The influences of pH value,contact time and the initial uranium( Ⅵ) concentration on the adsorption course was analyzed.The result shown that pH value had important influences on the adsorption course,pH = 4 is the optimal condition for uranium( Ⅵ) adsorption,in that condition,the absorb speed of uranium( Ⅵ) onto SiO_2 colloids polymer is fast,adsorption equilibrium time is less than 30 minutes.For a 10 mg / L uranium( Ⅵ) concentration water solution,uranium( Ⅵ) removed percentage is more than98%,uranium( Ⅵ) removed percentage decrease along with uranium( Ⅵ) concentrationascend.The characteristics of the SiO_2 colloids were identified by SEM and EDS. The SEM result demonstrates that surface characteristics of SiO_2 colloids polymer after adsorbed almost the same as that of SiO_2 colloids polymer before adsorbed.EDS result confirmed that 1g adsorbent contain 4.32% uranium( Ⅵ),the data matches that 43.0 mg quality loss of uranium( Ⅵ) in water solution after adsorbed.
Journal of University of South China:Science and Technology