An improved thermometer(TIB) is proposed for intermediate-mass fragments via the difference between isobaric yield ratios.The residual free energy of three isobars is replaced by that of the binding energy.The measured fragments in the 140 A MeV ^(40,48) Ca +9Be(181Ta) and^(58,64) Ni +~9Be(^(181)Ta) reactions are analyzed to obtain T_(IB) ranging from 0.6 to 3.5 Me V.TIBis suggested to be a direct determination of temperature avoiding the fitting procedure.
An improved thermometer (TIB) is proposed for intermediate-mass fragments via the difference between isobaric yield ratios. The residual free energy of three isobars is replaced by that of the binding energy. The measured fragments in the 140A MeV 40, 4SCa +9Be (181Ta) and 58, 64Ni + 9Be (181Ta) reactions are analyzed to obtain TIB ranging from 0.6 to 3.5 MeV. TIB is suggested to be a direct determination of temperature avoiding the fit-ting procedure.