由于播种西洋参需用催出芽的种子,机械排种器播种时极易将种芽碰掉,影响发芽率,不能满足西洋参种子的播种要求。为此,设计了一种气力式排种装置,阐述了气力式精密排种器的工作原理,确定了其主要结构参数。同时,以威海文登西洋参种子为播种对象,采用二次正交旋转组合试验,对吸种装置进行了吸排种性能试验研究,建立了行进速度、吸气孔直径、负压3个主要因素与漏播率、重播率的数学模型,分析了各个因素对漏播率和重播率的影响规律,并进行了参数优化。对重播率影响的因素其主次顺序为:负压、吸气孔直径、行进速度;漏播率影响的主次顺序为:吸气孔直径、负压、行进速度。当行进速度为1.5m/s、吸气孔直径为1mm、负压为4 k Pa时,机播重播率低于3.3%,漏播率低于2.3%,装置综合性能达到最优。经试验验证,试验结果与优化结果基本一致,满足西洋参精密播种的种植要求。
In order to sowing seeds ginseng to need to use to urge a seed of bud, the machine row very easily would grow bud to touch while growing machine dibble and influenced a germination rate, can not satisfy the dibble request of gin- seng seed, according to this, this text designs a kind of physical strength type row to grow device. Elaborate the physical strength type nicety row grows the work principle of machine and made sure its main structure parameter, with Wei sea the text ascend ginseng seed for sow seeds object, adopt two times is handing over to revolve combination experiment, ab- sorb row and grow function and experiment a research towards absorbing to grow equip to carry on, built up to march for- ward speed, inhale bore diameter, negative press 3 main factors and leak the mathematics model of sowing the rate, re- runs rate, analyze each factor to leak the influence regulation of sowing the rate and reruns rate, and carried on parameter excellent turn. Lead the factor of influence on reruns it lord the time is in proper order for:Is negative to press, inhale bore diameter and march forward speed;Leak to sow the main time of leading the influence in proper order BE:Inhale bore diameter and take to press, march forward speed. When march forward the speed as 1.5 ms I s, inhale the bore di- ameter as 1 mm, while taking to press for the 4 kpas machine's sowing reruns to lead is lower than 1.0% and leak to sow to lead is lower than 1.0% , equip comprehensive the function attain superior. Through experiment verification, experiment result with excellent turn result basic consistent, satisfy ginseng nicety sow seeds of plant a request.
Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research
panax quinquefolius
physical strength
experiment research