
番茄种子包衣丸粒化装置的设计与试验 被引量:16

Design and Experiment on Coating Granulation Equipment for Tomato Seeds
摘要 为解决番茄种子扁圆轻薄、人工播种效率低及无法机械化播种等问题,设计了一种番茄种子自动包衣丸粒化装置,并利用该装置进行了试验。该装置主要由喂料器、转盘、滚筒、供液设备、控制箱及支座组成。在5g番茄种子与400 r/min的供液泵转速条件下,以滚筒转速、包衣时间、包衣剂质量及胶悬液体积为试验因素进行了正交与回归试验,并通过DPS数据处理软件对试验数据进行统计分析,得出试验范围内试验因素对丸粒化后种子抗压强度、有仔率和单仔率等指标的影响规律。同时,优化确定了包衣装置包衣丸粒化番茄种子的最佳参数组合:在滚筒转速为500r/min、包衣时间为300s、包衣剂质量为55g及胶悬液体积为40m L时,抗压强度、有仔率、单仔率分别为316.8 g、87%、93%。该研究可为番茄、辣椒等茄果科种子包衣丸粒化的研究提供参考。 Coating granulation plays an important role in the process of seeds treatment, coating seeds can reduce the la- bor intensity, improve the production efficiency and ensure the germination rate. Tomato planting area is very large in China, and is one of three major planting area over the world. In 2014, the planting area was one million square hectare in China. However, at present, there is no proven technology available in tomato seeds coating, which brought about huge waste of seeds and caused a lot of economic losses. Therefore, it is very important and urgent to study the coating granulation technology for the tomato seeds. Based on the situation above, and in order to realize the mechanical sowing of the tomato seeds, the coating equipment was designed, suited for tomato seeds. The mechanism consisted of the feeder, roller, liquid supply device, a control box and support devices. The feeder transported regularly the tomato seeds and the coating agents into the roller, at the same time, the spray pump sprayed the liquid into the roller, and then the machine started coating granulation. Compared with the existing coating machine for tomato seeds, the mechanism pro- posed in this paper was simplified and its stability was improved. The whole structure was more compact and the roller speed was easier to control. Based on the analysis of structure features and working condition, its experiment model was established, and the compressive, containing seed rate and germination rate was analyzed. In order to obtain the best test parameters, quantitative coating experiment of tomato seeds was carried out. In the case of 5 g tomato seeds and 400r/ min spray pump speed, the roller speed, coating time, coating agent weight and liquid suspension volume, which were supposed to be the main influence experiment factors, were researched in the orthogonal mesh size experiment. The or- thogonal experiment provided the better combination of the four experiment factors. After the orthogonal mesh size experi- ment, the roller speed, coating time, coating agent weight and liquid suspension volume were researched in the regres- sion testing. Then by using the DPS and other software, the statistical analysis of the experiment data was got. The influ- ence of the roller speed, coating time, coating agent quality and liquid suspension volume on the compressive strength, the containing seed rate and the germination percentage was obtained. The optimal parameter combination is the roller speed of 500 r/min, the coating time of 300 s, the coating weight 55g, and the liquid suspension volume of 40mL. Accordingly, the compressive strength is 316.8g, the containing seed rate was 87%, and the germination percentage was 93 % , which indicated that coating mechanism met the requirement of actual testing. The coating granulation experiment further proved that the mechanism could not only satisfy the demands of tomato seeds coating granulation, but also apply to other vegetable seeds, such chili seeds. The research method was also proved to be accurate. The study for the tomato seeds coating granulation provides very important theoretical basis and reference for the design, analysis and further study on other micro seeds.
出处 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2017年第6期162-169,共8页 Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research
基金 "十二五"国家科技支撑计划项目(2015BAD19B03)
关键词 番茄种子 包衣 丸粒化 tomato seeds coating coating granulation
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