The launch site organization of Shenzhou spaceship is very difficult due to the heavy workload, many interfaces to coordinate and highly focused by the public. So it is quite necessary to adopt a system method in Shenzhou spaceship launch site full-cycle full-element organization and i m-plementation. According to the system theory, a method w a s proposed after system analysis and inte-gration. The full-cycle launch site work w a s divided into four stages: the launch site work initiation stage, the launch site work implementation stage, the testing and launching stage and the ending stage. There were three mai n elements in the proposed m e t h o d: the specialized m a n a g e m e n t by sta-ges , the matrix and centralized organization and the full-cycle workflow m a n a g e m e n t. T h e applica-tion of the proposed method in Shenzhou spaceship launch site work showed that all the works were in order, in-time and without any p r o b l e m, and the launches were successful.
Manned Spaceflight
Shenzhou spaceship
launch site
organization and implementation
system method