A rapid and accurate method was developed for the determination of 19 aniline compounds in soil. MSPD and GCMS were employed for the analysis, florisil was selected as the extraction adsorbent, the mass ratio of sample to dispersant at 1:4, a mixture of 1 :1 (V : V ) acetone: hexane as eluting solvent, and 30m L eluent volume . Chromatographic column was HP - 5 M S (30 m ×0 . 25 m m ×0 . 25 μ m ) with column temperature of 40℃ for 2 min, 10℃/min to 260℃ for 10 min, injection temperature was 260℃ , split ratio was 5:1, flow rate was 1 m L / min, El source temperature was 230℃, transmission line temperature was 280℃ , ionization energy was 70 e V . The results showed that the correlation coefficient (R ) was 0.9973 -0.9999 when the concentration was among 0. 1 -10mg/L,the recovery rate was among 87. 3 % -109% for three concentration series, the R S D was 0-796% -4. 91 %,the detection limit of the 19 aniline compounds were 0-017m g / k g ?075m g/kg. The method is appli-cable. Its sensitivity, accuracy and prevision all met the analysis requirement.
Environmental Science Survey