
正确认识网络信息技术对大学教与学的影响 被引量:4

Correct Understanding of the Influences of Network Information Technology on the University Teaching and Learning
摘要 信息技术的发展在高等教育领域掀起了新一轮的教学变革。一方面,它为大学教学提供技术支持,具有教学情境化、师生互动多元化、教学方式多样化等积极影响。另一方面,它还对大学教师的教学能力和大学生的自主学习能力提出了更高的要求,面临着虚拟教学无法取代实习实训对大学生实践能力的培养、碎片化学习不利于大学生形成系统的基础知识等问题。为此,应正确处理教师奉献与教师发展、自主学习与制度保障、"虚拟课堂"与"现实课堂"、碎片化学习与系统性学习等几组关系,以促进大学教学改革的顺利进行,促进大学生的有效学习。 The development of information technology has raised a new round of teaching reform in the field of higher education. On the one hand,it provides technical support for the university teaching,and has positive effects on the teaching situation,diversification of teacher-student interaction and teaching methods. On the other hand,it not only puts forward higher requirements towards faculty teachers' teaching ability and college students' self-regulated learning,but also brings some problems,such as the fact that the virtual teaching can't replace practice training to cultivate college students' practical ability,and the fragmented learning is not conducive to the formation of basic knowledge of college students and so on.Thus,several relations have to be deal with in the teaching and learning correctly to promote the smooth progress of university teaching reform and students' effective learning as following: faculty teachers' dedication and development,self-regulated learning and institutional guarantee,virtual classroom and realistic classroom,fragmented learning and systematic learning.
作者 陈春梅
出处 《重庆高教研究》 2017年第1期23-27,共5页 Chongqing Higher Education Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"大学教师发展的理念 内涵 方式与动力"(14JJD880003)
关键词 信息技术 大学教学 自主学习 制度保障 碎片化学习 information technology university teaching self-regulated learning institutional guarantee fragmented learning
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