
增程式电动客车能量管理策略优化的研究 被引量:17

A Study on Energy Management Strategy Optimization for Extented-Range Electric Bus
摘要 本文中对增程式电动汽车进行了能量管理策略研究。在循环工况已知的前提下,分别研究动态规划控制策略和瞬时等效燃油消耗最小策略,得到两者的行驶成本并与采用基于规则的恒温器式管理策略时的行驶成本进行比较。结果表明,动态规划控制策略和瞬时等效燃油消耗最小策略的行驶成本都比采用基于规则的策略时低。虽然动态规划策略行驶成本比瞬时等效燃油消耗最小策略更低,但因实际行驶过程中工况会有变化,很难达到最优。而ECMS控制策略可实现在线应用,兼顾了燃油经济性和实用性,比较适合作为一种可行的增程式电动客车的能量管理策略。 The energy management strategies for extented-range electric bus(EREB) are studied in this paper. On the premise of driving cycles being defined,dynamic programming control strategy(DPCS) and instantaneous equivalent consumption minimization strategy(ECMS) are investigated to obtain their driving costs repsectively,which are then compared with that when rule-based thermostat management strategy(RTMS) is adopted. The results show that the driving costs with both ECMS and DPCS are lower than that with RTMS. Though DPCS has a lower driving cost than ECMS,but is hard to reach optimum,while ECMS can realize on-line application and concurrently achieve good fuel economy and practicality,so relatively suiting to be a feasible energy management strategy for EREB.
出处 《汽车工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期9-14,共6页 Automotive Engineering
基金 国家973计划项目(2011CB711202)资助
关键词 增程式电动客车 参数匹配 能量管理策略 行驶成本 extended-range electric bus parameter matching energy management strategy driving cost
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