
基于全过程管理理念的文献情报项目评价体系的构建与实践——以群组平台项目为例 被引量:4

Practice and Construction of Evaluation System of library and Information Projects Based on the Whole Process Management Theory:A Case Study of Group Platforms Project
摘要 [目的/意义]将全过程管理的理论方法融入文献情报项目评价研究之中,构建一套较为完整的文献情报项目评价的全过程管理体系,为图书情报学领域其他项目的评价工作提供可参考的理论模型和实践经验。[方法/过程]梳理全过程管理理念下的文献情报项目评价的影响因素和管理特征,从4个维度构建基于全过程管理理念的文献情报项目评价体系,并以群组平台项目为例开展实证研究,建立一套基于全过程管理理念的群组平台项目评价体系用以实施项目评价工作。[结果/结论]从"结构维度""指标维度""时间维度"和"策略维度"4个方面较为全面地分析了文献情报项目评价的影响因素和管理特征,设计了一套涵盖"前期基础""团队建设""建设路线""内容建设""成效建设""管理机制"和"可持续发展"7项属性的项目评价指标体系,并按照项目评价管理全过程中的"项目计划评价""项目申报评价""项目实施评价""项目验收评价"和"项目后建设评价"5个时间阶段形成针对不同时期的项目评价动态指标方案,同时制定了多项实施策略提升项目评价的管理实施效果。基于全过程管理理念的群组平台项目评价体系的构建,有效支撑群组平台项目评价工作的有序化、合理化和制度化开展。 [ Purpose/significance] In this paper, theory and method of the whole process management were inte- grated into the evaluation of library and information project. As a consequence, a complete set of the whole process man- agement system of library and information project evaluation was constructed, and it was verified by an empirical research of Group Platforms Project. This work provided a referable theoretical model and practical experience for the evaluation of other projects in the field of library and information science. [ Method/process] This paper analyzed the influential fac- tors and management features of the evaluation of library and information project under the whole process management con- cept. Then, it built an evaluation system of library and information projects based on the whole process management con- cept via four dimensions. Afterwards, a case study of Group Platforms Project was carried out, and an evaluation system of Group Platforms Project based on the whole process management concept was established to implement the project evalua- tion. [ Result/conclusion ] This paper analyzed comprehensively the influential factors and management characteristics of the evaluation of library and information project via the four aspects of structural dimension, index dimension, time dimen- sion and strategy dimension. And it designed a set of project evaluation index system covering seven attributes of prelimi- nary basis, team building, construction route, content construction, effectiveness building, management mechanism and sustainable development. Moreover, it formulated five dynamic project evaluation index schemes for the different periods, according to the five time periods of project plan evaluation, project declaration evaluation, project implementation evalua- tion, project acceptance evaluation and project post-construction evaluation in the whole process of project evaluation man- agement. Besides, it developed a number of implementation strategies to enhance the management effectiveness of project evaluation. Therefore, the construction of evaluation system of Group Platforms Project based on the whole process man- agement concept effectively made the project evaluation more orderly, reasonable and systematic.
作者 刘宇 杨志萍 王春明 陈漪红 陆颖 Liu Yu Yang Zhiping Wang Chunming Chen Yihong Lu Ying(Chengdu Document and Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041)
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第24期76-85,共10页 Library and Information Service
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目"研究所群组集成知识平台可持续服务能力建设"(项目编号:Y11006) 四川省文化厅2016年图书馆学与情报学规划项目"科学大数据环境下学科馆员3.0的图书馆知识组织服务模型"的研究成果之一
关键词 全过程管理 文献情报项目 群组平台 项目评价 指标体系 whole process management library and information project group platforms project evaluation indicator system
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