In. recent years, hot plates in. the main, board and GEM have insulated the from the actual economic development speed since excessiveexpectations and speculation.,which contributes to a stock market crash. This paper selects the concerned hot plate- lithium plate in. recentyears.where the 98 companies financial indicators are selected. Based on. the factor analysis of financial indicators, we have established Logistic Re-gression. model to predict hot plate of the current price trend and evaluate the company's share price whether has actual results to supports the growth. The final empirical analysis results show that lithium batteries considerably have a great potential value, whether in. new energy or re-chargeable car applications. Lithium battery plate of financial indicators of listed companies have the excellent performance for a great potential. Hence,its share price reflects actual status of listed companies support and there is n.o excessive speculation..
Science Technology and Industry