
山东青州龙兴寺遗址出土佛造像的色彩重建研究——以23号北齐佛立像为例 被引量:4

The Color Reconstruction of Buddhist Statues Unearthed at Longxing Temple Site in Qingzhou,Shandong Province:A Case of the Buddha Statue No.23 of Northern Qi Dynasty
摘要 中国古代佛教造像(石造像、石胎泥塑、泥塑、木草芯泥塑等)在完成塑形后,大多要采用各色颜料彩妆,以突显造像的雍容高贵和华丽气度,使其更加吸引信众崇敬和膜拜。由于时日长久、保存不当以及某些人为的破坏因素,大部分彩绘造像已皆非故貌,表现为残破、残损、色彩剥落、褪变色和污损等。如何研究和恢复昔日盛妆和风貌,长期以来成为考古学家、艺术家、艺术史家、文物保护工作者等面临的研究课题。在多种科技技术成为常规性分析手段、三维成像技术和虚拟展示技术快速应用的今天,以三维激光扫描和成型技术获取立体图像,以科技分析获取的颜料色彩信息,以虚拟修复为复原性探索实践,多角度全方位展示造像的往昔原貌,是很有意义的探索性研究工作。本文以山东青州龙兴寺遗址出土23号北齐佛立像(公元550-577年)为例,在历史文献研究和考古学研究的基础上,利用颜料色彩分析信息和彩绘图案构成,试图立体化虚拟复原其初造时的色彩和服饰,为今后此遗址其他佛造像文物的虚拟修复提供可行模式,并为VR(虚拟现实)和AR(增强虚拟现实)展示提供基本素材。 In ancient China, in order to highlight the noble and magnificent character of Buddhist statues, col- ored pigment were mostly used to make up the statues (stone statues, stone sculpture, clay, clay with wood core) after the shaping procedure, making it more attractive for people to reverence and worship. During the long history, be- cause of improper maintenance and other human destruction factors, most of the painted statues have been broken, damaged, desquamated, faded and stained etc., compared with their original appearance. How to study and restore the makeup style of the painted statues in former days has become a hot research topic for archaeologists, artists, art historians and archaeological conservators for a long time. With rapid technological advancement, a variety of meth- ods should be applied for the digital restoration of the statues. In specific, a three-dimensional mold was obtained by three-dimensional laser scanning and molding, color information was gained by scientific analysis, and virtual restora- tion as restoration exploration. The multiple methods are jointly very meaningful for an exploratory research. This study takes the ruins Buddha statue (No.23) of Northern Qi Dynasty (AD 550-577) unearthed in Longxing Temple in Qingzhou, Shandong as an example. On the basis of historical documents and archaeological studies, the color analysis of pigments and color pattern compositions were used to virtually restore the color and dress when it was first created. The results could provide a feasible model for virtual restoration of this site and other Buddhist relics, and also provide the basic material for the VR and AR.
作者 周麟麟 高山 李倩倩 魏书亚 马清林 Zhou Linlin Gao Shan Li Qianqian Wei Shuya Ma Qinglin
出处 《中国文物科学研究》 2016年第4期46-50,共5页 China Cultural Heritage Scientific Research
关键词 佛教造像 彩绘 颜料 分析测试 虚拟复原 VR和AR展示 Buddhist Statues, Colored Paint, Analytical Testing, Virtual Restoration, VR and AR Display
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