
全国健康扶贫数据采集系统的构建 被引量:4

Establishment of National Data Collection Sytem for Rural Population in Poverty Due to Disease
摘要 目的建立全国健康扶贫数据采集系统,实现全国建档立卡农村贫困人口"因病致贫、因病返贫"家庭及人员信息的数据采集与数字化管理。方法通过筛选、清洗、计算、下发样本数据,分散采集、集中联网上报调查数据,数据实时分析,过程高度监控,质量严格把关的实施方法,最终圆满完成了健康扶贫数据采集的任务。全国健康扶贫数据采集系统的构建主要包括离线数据上报系统、数据拆分子系统、数据接收子系统、数据审核子系统、统计分析子系统和系统权限管理子系统。通过接口,与国务院扶贫办的数据库实现精准对接;通过数据拆分和离线软件数据分发,实现疾病调查信息表的精准下发;通过离线软件中对调查表逻辑判断,实现调查信息的规范化处理;通过数据联网数据上报,实现集中高效的数据采集;通过数据在线审核,控制数据摸底质量;通过统计分析,实现健康扶贫摸底数据统计信息。结果全国健康扶贫数据采集系统成功完成了全国建档立卡农村贫困人口"因病致贫、因病返贫"逐户、逐人、逐病数据采集任务,此系统在2016年全国健康扶贫调查摸底中得到了验证。 Objective By establishing a nationwide data collection system of health poverty alleviation, thus realizing the data collection and digital management of the family and personal information of the rural population in poverty due to illness or highly cost treatment, in poverty-stricken areas. Methods The task of collecting data of health poverty alleviation was finished successfully by screening, cleaning, calculating, distributing sample data, collecting population data separately then reporting altogether through system, and analyzing survey data throughout the whole process, also, monitoring and controlling data quality strictly. Results The nationwide data collection system of health poverty alleviation collected data successfully that includes the rural poverty population in the whole country, which is "poverty caused by illness" as in the unit of household, personal and diseases. The system was certificated in 2016 National Health Poverty Alleviation Survey.
作者 罗小琴 Luo Xiaoqin(China population and Development Research Center, Beijing 100081, China)
出处 《中国卫生信息管理杂志》 2016年第6期579-582,610,共5页 Chinese Journal of Health Informatics and Management
关键词 贫困人口 健康扶贫 系统管理 数据采集 Poverty population, Health poverty alleviation, System management, Data collecting
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