

A Study of "Niao Shu Tong Xue" in Shangshu YuGong
摘要 "鸟鼠同穴"是历代典籍所记载的地理文化名词,在我国文化史上具有重要的地位。该词所指称的山岳确切地理位置目前已不可考,所论及的"鸟"与"鼠"实际上种类繁多,甚而"名""实"两差,其"鼠"多为"兔(鼠兔)"。结合文献资料和现代科学考察,还可知此类现象不过是自然界的偶发现象。历代沿袭的错误认识是古人在缺乏现代科学认知背景下的误读与误解。 "Niao shu tong xue" is a historical record of the geographical and cultural terms, in the history of our culture has an important position. The mountain of the word refer to the exact geographical location has not test, and the "bird" and "mouse" in variety, even the "name" and "reality" of two, the "rat" for "rabbit(pika)". Combined with literature review and modern scientific knowledge, it is also known that this phenomenon is a natural phenomenon. The erroneous understanding of the past dynasties is the misunderstanding and misunderstanding of the ancients in the lack of modern scientific cognition.
作者 邢怒海
出处 《青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第6期51-55,共5页 Journal of Qinghai Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 河南省高校青年骨干教师培养计划"许衡及<许衡集>词汇研究"(2016GGJS256) 上海师范大学研究生培优项目"<许衡集>白话词汇研究"(A013200002040)
关键词 鸟鼠同穴 《尚书》 青藏文化 "niao shu tong xue" Shangshu Qingzang culture
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