

discipline Research of Containing Hei-yun-xiang Prescriptions in MiJueFangHai
摘要 目的:应用数据挖掘技术对《秘诀方海》中明确含有黑芸香的方剂进行分析,探讨其组方规律。方法:收集、整理方剂,将其录入Excel 2010进行频数统计,筛选出高频使用药物。将数据导入SPSS Modeler14.1数据挖掘软件,应用关联规则Apriori算法进行分析,建立药物关联相关"网格图"。应用SPSS 20.0数据软件,对数据进行因子分析。结果:高频药物统计结果:277首含黑芸香的方剂中,共涉及299味药物,其中麝香、石菖蒲、草乌、诃子等药物出现的频次较高,尤其麝香出现频次高达181次。关联分析结果:黑芸香与麝香关联最强,其次为草乌、石菖蒲、诃子。因子分析结果:共得8个公因子,以抑赫依、杀粘、清热、燥黄水为主,累计贡献率达68.68%。结论:通过本次研究初步掌握了蒙药黑芸香在方剂中的组方规律,即蒙药黑芸香主要应用于抑赫依、杀粘、清热、祛黄水方剂中,为黑芸香的临床应用及进一步研究提供了参考。 Objective Using data mining technology, prescriptions contained Heiyunxiang were analyzed to find their general characteristics and composition rules in Ubidis un Dalai that also named MiJueFangHai. Methods Collecting prescriptions contained Heiyunxiang and input them into Excel software to set up database and obtain high frequency drugs. Input the data into SPSS Modelerl4. 1 database software, then to make correlation analysis and use net graph to express the correlation analysis results. Using SPSS 20. 0 database software to making factor analysis applying main composition method to extract factors and using varimax rotation method make factors rotation. Results Statistical results of high frequency drugs shown : There are 299 drugs in 277 prescription contained Heiyunxing in this study. However, appearance frequency of Shexiang, Shi Changpu Caowuand Hezi were obviously more than others, especially Shexiang appear frequency more than 181 time. Results of Correlation analysis shown that Heiyunxiang and Shexiang have the strongest correlation, followed by Caown, Shi Changpu, Hezi. Factor analysis result obtained eight common factors and their contribu- tion rate is 68.68%. This factors mainly faction were clear hot, repress Heyi, dry Xiriusu and so on. Conclusion Through the research, it is first grasped that composition rules of Heiyunxiang in Mongolian medicine prescriptions Heiyunxiang mainly apply in prescription with repress Heyi, kill Niyan, clear hot and dry Xiriwusu. This research provides references for the clinical application of Heiyunxiang and provides a necessary basis for further research and development of Mongolian medicine.
出处 《中国民族民间医药》 2017年第3期117-120,123,共5页 Chinese Journal of Ethnomedicine and Ethnopharmacy
基金 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金项目(2015MS08134):基于数据挖掘技术的蒙医近现代萨病组方规律研究 内蒙古自治区蒙医药研究所所内项目(GJMY-201512):含古古勒(黑 白)蒙医方剂的组方规律数据挖掘研究
关键词 秘诀方海 黑芸香 数据挖掘 组方规律 MiJueFangHai Heiyunxiang Data mining Discipline of Prescription
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