
“青年是党的未来和希望”——习近平总书记“七一”重要讲话的青年语义分析 被引量:1

“Youth are the Future and Hope of the Party”------Semantic Analysis of the Youth in the July 1^(st) Keynote Speech by General Secretary Xi Jinping
摘要 在"七一"建党节中谈论青年话题是中共纪念活动的重要环节。2016年7月1日,习近平总书记在纪念建党95周年大会上发表重要讲话,他在讲话的篇末着重论述青年和党的青年工作问题,将党对青年和青年工作的认识提升到一个新的高度。从话语形式和内容两个维度研究发现,习近平总书记"七一"重要讲话蕴含着丰富的青年语义,概括起来就是:青年是历史的进步力量、青年是政党的得力助手、青年工作是党的战略性工程、中国梦是当代中国青年运动的时代主题。"讲话"中的青年语义还具有宣传、动员、教育等政治功能。认真研读习近平"七一"讲话中的青年语义内涵,对于准确把握当代中国青年运动的时代主题,加强和改进新时期党的青年群众工作具有重要意义。 The topic on youth is an important section of the commemorative activities for CPC on its July 1^(st) anniversary day. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech in the conference commemorating the 95^(th) anniversary of the Communist Party of China On July 1^(st),2016. In the last part of his speech he expounded the topic of youth and the youth work of the Party, which promotes the Party's awareness of youth and the youth work to a new and higher degree. It is found in the research from dimensions of both form of discourse and content that rich connotation of youth is contained in the July 1^(st) keynote speech, in summary, namely, the youth are the progressive forces in history and capable assistants of political parties, the youth work is the strategic project of the Party and the Chinese Dream is the theme of times for contemporary Chinese youth movements. The connotation of youth in this speech bears political functions in propaganda, mobilization and education, so the earnest study of the connotation of the July 1^(st)speech by Xi Jinping is of great significance for grasping accurately the theme of times of contemporary Chinese youth movements, and strengthening and improving the youth mass work of the Party in new era.
作者 刘佳 Liu Jia
出处 《北京青年研究》 2017年第1期24-30,共7页 Beijing Youth Research
基金 2016年湖北省高校人文社科重点研究基地"大学生发展与创新教育研究中心"开放基金课题"群团改革背景下共青团青年智库建设研究"(课题编号:DXS20160019) 2016年中国青少年研究会立项课题"叙事学方法与高校共青团思想引领范式转换研究"(课题编号:2016B08) 2016年湖北团省委共青团和青少年工作研究重点课题"改革开放以来共青团改革的历史经验研究"(课题编号:2016ZD008) 2015年中央高校基本科研业务经费项目"高校共青团与社会主义核心价值观青年话语体系构建研究"(课题编号:CUGW150817)研究成果
关键词 习近平 七一讲话 青年语义 青年运动 中国共青团 Xi Jinping the July 1^(st) keynote speech connotation of youth youth movement the Communist Youth League of China
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