In some degree, some criminal law provisions had been employed to fight against acts of cheating on exams before the passage of the Criminal Law Amendment IX. However, having big defects, they proved insufficient as cheating got increasingly rampant. The new additions to the crime list regarding serial acts of cheating on exams, namely organized cheating on exams, illegal sales and supplies of exam answers and surrogate exam-taking, as stipulated in the amendment, have effectively compensated for the vulnerability of the criminal law. Nevertheless, the three charges still need further improvement in terms of legal terms' clarity and the relationship between this crime and another crime. Taking all these into consideration, with a view to provide reference for further improvement of such charges, this paper makes a comparison of the relevant criminal law provisions before and after the enactment of the Criminal Law Amendment IX, analyzes features of current cheatings on exams and ultimately makes comments on China' s current criminal law regulations against acts of cheating on exams.
ZHANG Jiao(Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
journal of China Examinations
National Exams
Cheating on Exams
Criminal Law Regulations