

Analysis of the Patent about the Crystal Form of Febuxostat
摘要 非布司他是一种全新的非嘌呤类黄嘌呤氧化还原酶选择性抑制剂,临床用于治疗痛风,文章以中国范围内的专利申请数据为分析样本,对非布司他的晶型相关专利进行分析,总结该领域的专利申请现状和研究进展,为我国医药企业对于该药物的研究提供建议。 Febuxostat is new non-purines xanthine oxido-reductase selective inhibition. It uses for treating gout. The article analyzes the patent about the crystal form of Febuxostat, from the patent application in China, in order to learn the development in the field and patent application status, and make recommendations for pharmaceutical companies.
出处 《广东化工》 CAS 2017年第2期75-76,共2页 Guangdong Chemical Industry
关键词 非布司他 晶型 专利 febuxostat crystal form: patent
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