
我国膳食模式为什么还要以谷类为主? 被引量:9

Why Is Dietary Pattern Still Cereal-based in China?
摘要 膳食模式是指膳食中各类食物的数量及其在膳食中所占的比重,我国传统膳食模式是以谷薯类食物为主。近30年来,随着我国居民生活水平的不断提升,谷类食物的消费量出现下降趋势,下降幅度达177g/标准人日,与此同时,动物性食物的消费量却增加了67.6 g/标准人日。谷类食物的供能比例也由1992年的71.7%下降至2012年的58.8%,谷类食物在人体所需的营养素供给来源中发挥着其他食物所不能替代的重要作用。除此以外,谷类食物为主,尤其是全谷物食物还可以降低糖尿病、直肠癌和心血管疾病的发病风险。因此,为了促进身体健康,我国居民还应继续坚持谷类为主的膳食模式。 Dietary pattern refers to the quantity and proportion of different food in the diet,and cereal-based is a very important characteristic of traditional dietary pattern in China. With the improving of the residents' living standards,the cereal consumption is decreasing in recent 30 years [- 177 g/( person·d) ],while the animal food consumption has increased by 67. 6g/( person·d). The energy ratio provided by cereal has dropped from 71. 7% in 1992 to 58. 8% in 2012,and cereal play an important role as supply sources for the nutrients needed in body. In addition,cereal-based dietary pattern,especially the whole grain food,can also reduce the risk of diabetes,colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease. Therefore,Chinese residents should still continue to adhere to the cereal-based dietary pattern for health.
作者 徐海泉 杜松明 卢士军 唐振闯 孙君茂 马冠生 XU Hai-quan DU Song-ming LU Shi-jun TANG Zhen-chuang SUN Jun-mao MA Guan-sheng(Institute of Food and Nutrition Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081, China The Chinese Nutrition Society, Beijing 100053, China Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing 100191 , China Beijing Key Laboratory of Toxicological Research and Risk Assessment for Food Safety, Beijing 100191, China)
出处 《中国食物与营养》 2017年第1期9-11,84,共4页 Food and Nutrition in China
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费项目(项目编号:201503001-1) 2016农业部部门预算项目
关键词 谷类 主食 膳食模式 营养 cereal staple food dietary pattern nutrition
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