

Optimization design of Cisco telepresence system
摘要 国外开会模式与国内开会模式不同,国外是以讨论形式为主,不需要会场具备画面轮巡功能。国内网真会场实现轮巡功能是依托思科产品的动态多分屏功能,其实质是以画中画模式实现图像轮巡功能,此方法不被参会人员所采纳,因此根据需要对网真系统进行优化设计。限制于思科采取技术保护措施,不能以最简单的方案实现多会场整屏轮巡功能,需借助第三方硬件平台以及软件开发实现此功能。同时,网真软件自身没有把多路会场画面、声音、操作控制混合集成到一起,因此根据山西电力网真的需求研发出网真会议智能控制系统。优化升级后的网真系统已恢复投运,效果反映良好。 Meeting modes are different between foreign countries and China. In foreign countries, meetings are mainly in the form of discussion, so the screen loop-testing function is not necessary. The screen loop-testing function realized in domestic telepres- ence venues is in fact based on the dynamic multiple screens function of Cisco products. This method will not be adopted by partici- pants. Therefore, the design of telepresence system will be optimized as required. Limited by Cisco' s technology protection meas- ures, the function of Loop-testing on the three screens cannot be realized by the simplest solution. A third-party hardware platform and software engineering will be needed to realize this function. At the same time, since telepresence software itself does not in- tegrate hybrid pictures, sounds, operations and controls at the venue, intelligent control system for telepresence meetings is de- signed based on needs of telepresence in Shanxi. The telepresence system after optimization and upgrading has restored its opera- tion and achieved favorable responses.
作者 杨兆飞 罗江
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2017年第2期104-108,共5页 Video Engineering
关键词 网真整屏轮巡 网真会议控制系统 网真优化研究 loop- testing on the three screens of telepresence intelligent control system of telepresence optimization researchto telepresence
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