
情绪还是认知?主管不文明行为对员工工作及生活的作用机制研究 被引量:7

Emotion or Cognition? Influence Mechanism of Supervisor Incivility on Employee Work and Life
摘要 已有的研究表明,主管不文明行为能够降低员工的工作及生活满意度,但其中的作用机制及不同机制是否发挥相同的效果却不得而知。基于情感事件理论和社会交换理论,分别从情绪和认知两个视角比较了消极情绪和交互公平在主管不文明行为与员工工作满意度及生活满意度之间的中介作用。以449名员工及其同事为研究对象发现:(1)消极情绪和交互公平在主管不文明行为与员工工作满意度、生活满意度之间均起到中介作用;(2)在主管不文明行为对工作满意度的影响上,交互公平的中介效应强于消极情绪;(3)在主管不文明行为对生活满意度的影响上,消极情绪和交互公平的中介效应无明显差异。总体来看,情绪及认知均能解释主管不文明行为对下属工作、生活满意度的影响,但对于不同类型的满意度,两种视角的解释效果存在差异。 The existing studies indicate that supervisor incivility can reduce the employee satisfaction in job and life,but if it remains unknown about whether the influence mechanism and other different ones play the same role. Based on affective event theory and social exchange theory,the study compares the mediating role of negative emotion and interpersonal fairness between supervisor incivility and employee satisfaction of job and life. With 449 employees and colleagues as research subjects,the study reaches the following conclusions:( 1) negative emotion and interpersonal fairness work as mediating roles between supervisor incivility and staff satisfaction of job and life,( 2) the mediating effect of interpersonal fairness has a stronger impact on job satisfaction from supervisor incivility than negative emotion does,( 3) there is no obvious difference in the mediating effect of negative emotion and interpersonal fairness on life satisfaction from supervisor incivility. Overall,emotion and cognition can explain the influence employee satisfaction of job and life from supervisor incivility. But the explaining effect based on the two perspectives is different to various types of satisfaction.
作者 占小军
出处 《管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期82-92,共11页 Management Review
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71662013 71362010)
关键词 主管不文明行为 消极情绪 交互公平 工作满意度 生活满意度 supervisor incivility negative emotion interpersonal fairness job satisfaction life satisfaction
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