

Se(Ⅳ)Diffusion Behavior in Illite-Montmorillonite Mixture
摘要 采用贯穿扩散法研究了Se(Ⅳ)(代替79Se(Ⅳ))在伊利石-蒙脱石混合物中的扩散行为。结果表明,蒙脱石的伊利石化对Se(Ⅳ)的迁移行为有明显影响,Se(Ⅳ)的有效扩散系数De从3.89×10-11 m2/s增加至18.1×10-11 m2/s。伊利石-蒙脱石混合物比例为1∶9~5∶5时,De的变化不明显,伊利石-蒙脱石混合物比例为6∶4时,De明显增大,表明矿物的优势组分对Se(Ⅳ)的扩散行为起主导作用。随着伊利石-蒙脱石混合物比例从1∶9增大至6∶4,Se(Ⅳ)的岩石容量因子由4.07降低至0.75,分配系数由22.7×10-4 m3/kg降低至1.95×10-4 m3/kg,它们均随伊利石含量的增加而降低,这表明由于伊利石对Se(Ⅳ)的吸附能力较蒙脱石弱,导致伊利石-蒙脱石混合物对Se(Ⅳ)的阻滞能力变弱,从而增大了Se(Ⅳ)的迁移能力。 The diffusion behavior of Se(Ⅳ)(surrogate to 79Se(Ⅳ))in illite-montmorillonite mixture was investigated by through-diffusion method.The results show that the migration of Se(Ⅳ)is altered significantly by the illitization of montmorillonite.The effective diffusion coefficient of Se(Ⅳ)increases from 3.89×10-11 m2/s to 18.1×10-11 m2/s.When the illite-montmorillonite ratio is in the range of 1∶9and 5∶5,De values have no obvious change. Whereas,Devalues increase significantly at illitemontmorillonite ratio of 6∶4,indicating that the predominant composition of the mineral clay plays a leading role in Se(Ⅳ)diffusion.When the illite-montmorillonite ratio increases from 1∶9to 6∶4,the rock capacity and distribution coefficient ofSe(Ⅳ)decrease from 4.07 to 0.75 and from 22.7×10-4 m3/kg to 1.95×10-4 m3/kg,respectively.Both of them decrease with the increase of illite content.It demonstrates that the hindrance of illite-montmorillonite mixture turns worse due to the weaker sorption of Se(Ⅳ)on illite,leading the increase of Se(Ⅳ)migration in illite-montmorillonite mixture.
作者 熊慧芳 王芝芬 鲍苏苏 周雨洁 李金英 伍涛 XIONG Hui-fang WANG Zhi-fen BAO Su-su ZHOU Yu-jie LI Jin-ying WU Tao(School of Engineering, Huzhou University, Huzhou 313000, China China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413, China China Resources Wind Power Development Co., Ltd., Beijing 100005, China)
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期13-18,共6页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
基金 浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(Y15B0770018) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(21207035)
关键词 Se(Ⅳ) 伊利石 蒙脱石 扩散行为 Se(Ⅳ) illite montmorillonite diffusion behavior
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