
SOI器件瞬时剂量率效应的激光模拟技术研究 被引量:7

Laser Simulation Technology Research of Transient Dose Rate Effect in SOI Device
摘要 为验证激光模拟技术用于半导体SOI器件瞬时剂量率效应研究的可行性,对其优势和主要原理进行了分析。利用0.13μm SOI MOS器件单管测试芯片进行了激光辐射实验,获得了不同尺寸器件辐射所激发的瞬时光电流与激光入射能量的关系曲线,并计算得到了线性拟合后的光电流表达式。通过激光实验数据与器件TCAD仿真结果的对比,获得了本文实验条件下的辐射剂量率-激光能量模拟等效关系。结果表明,激光模拟技术可用于半导体SOI器件瞬时剂量率效应研究。 In order to verify the feasibility of laser simulation technology used in the research of SOI semiconductor device transient dose rate effect,the advantage and main principle of laser simulation technology were analyzed.Then the laser simulation experiment was done through using 0.13μm SOI MOS single device chip,and the relation curve between transient photocurrent and laser energy as well as the linearized photocurrent formula was obtained.In addition,by comparing the experimental result with device TCAD simulation result,the equivalent relation between dose rate and laser energy at specific experimental condition was achieved.The result shows that laser simulation technology is effective in the research of SOI semiconductor device transient dose rate effect.
作者 梁堃 孙鹏 李沫 代刚 李顺 解磊 LIANG Kun SUN Peng LI Mo DAI Gang LI Shun XIE Lei(Microsystem & rerahertz Research Center, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu 610200, China Institute of Electronic Engineering, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang 621999, China)
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期187-192,共6页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
基金 中国工程物理研究院院长基金资助项目(2014-1-100)
关键词 瞬时剂量率效应 半导体SOI器件 激光模拟技术 瞬时光电流 transient dose rate effect SOI semiconductor device laser simulation tech nology transient photocurrent
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