
河南仰韶村文化遗址的土壤指示特征研究 被引量:7

Indicative Characteristics of Soil in Ancient Human Cultural Sites—A Case Study of Yangshao Village Cultural Relics,Henan Province
摘要 人类作为生物因素的重要组成部分,其对土壤的影响越来越受到关注。在古人类遗址土壤研究中,通过分析土壤理化性质以及包含物特征,可还原古人类活动类型以及强度。在河南仰韶村文化遗址内,分别选取一个受到古人类活动干扰的土壤剖面(简称文化剖面)和没有受到古人类活动干扰的土壤剖面(简称自然剖面),通过观察和分析,比较两个剖面在遗物遗迹、土壤理化性质以及植物遗存方面的差别,从而获取该遗址的土壤指示特征。研究结果显示文化剖面中出现陶片、石器、灰坑、灰烬层和文化层;通体粒度组成偏砂,在灰烬层砂粒含量达到最大;低频磁化率(χlf)高于自然剖面,且出现异常高值,频率磁化率(χfd)略低于自然剖面;色度参数红度(a*)、黄度(b*)、亮度(L*)值低于自然剖面,均在灰烬层出现最小值;容重小于自然剖面,在文化层出现最小值;全磷含量高于自然剖面,在灰烬层和文化层出现极大值和最大值;禾本科(Gramineae)和藜科(Artemisia)含量高于自然剖面,存在驯化的粟、黍、水稻植硅体;有机碳同位素(δ13C)值较自然剖面偏正,指示剖面植物类型以C4为主;炭屑含量大约为自然剖面的4倍。土壤在古人类活动影响下,宏观上,土体中的侵入体和剖面形态特征与自然剖面具有明显的差别;微观上,粒度组成、磁化率、色度、全磷、容重、孢粉、植硅体、炭屑和有机碳同位素也与自然剖面有明显的差别。 【Objective】In this paper, two soil profiles at the Yangshao Village cultural relic site of Henan Province, one with obvious evidence of ancient human activities (cultural profile in short) and the other free of any ancient human disturbance (natural profile in short), were chosen for comparison. 【Method】 Through observation and analysis, the two profiles were compared in content of relics, physical and chemical properties and plant remain in an attempt to identify indicative characteristics of the soil in ancient human cultural sites. 【Result】Results show that the cultural profile was found to have some pottery shards, stone wares, ash pits, ash layers and cultural layers; its particle size composition tended to be sandy with sand content, on average, being 1.38 times as high as that in the natural profile and peaking up to 294 g kg-1 in the ash layer; its average and variation coefficient of low frequency magnetic susceptibility(χlf)was 1.15 and 1.96 times, respectively, that of the natural profile with an abnormal peak of χlf appearing in Transition layer II, reaching up to 705.51×10-8 m3 kg-1; its average and variation coefficient of frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility(χfd)was 0.99 and 0.78 times that of the natural profile, being obviously slightly lower than the latter; its average of redness (a*), yellowness(b*)and lightness(L*)was 0.83, 0.90 and 1.09, respectively, that of the natural profile; its variation coefficient of a*, b* and L* was 2.72, 2.83 and 0.97, respectively, that of natural profile; its a*, b* and L* fell down the bottom in the ash layer, being 2.45, 5.82 and 22.68, respectively; its average and variation coefficient of bulk density was 0.88 and 3.78 times, respectively, that of the natural profile; its bulk density was the lowest in the cultural layer, being 0.79 g cm-3 , and higher than 1.00 g cm-3 in all the other layers; its average and variation coefficient of total phosphorus was 4.95 and 1.18 times, respectively, that of the natural profile; its TP peaked in the ash and cultural layers up to 8734 mg kg-1and 9879.6 mg kg-1, respectively; The average content of Gramineae and Artemisia remains, including phytolith of setaria italic, panicum miliaceum, oryza sativa, was 2.56 and 1.27 times that of the natural profile; its δ13C tended to be more positive than the other’s; its indicative plants were dominated with C4; and its average content of carbon dust was 4.02 times that of the natural profile. 【Conclusion】Based on the above-listed findings, it is found that the soil under the influence of ancient human activities is apparently different from natural soils macroscopically in intrusive body and profile morphological; its main macro indicative feature is the existence of abundant relics, while its micro ones are being higher than natural soil in variation coefficients of particle size composition, magnetic susceptibility, chroma, total phosphorus, and bulk density, sandy in particle size composition, higher inχlf, slightly lower inχfd, lower in chroma, higher in total phosphorus, and lower in bulk density; the content and types of pollen and phytolith it contains are also different from those a natural soil has;, for instance, the former has rich Gramineae andArtemisia pollens and phytoliths identified to be of setaria italic, panicum miliaceum and oryza sativa. In addition, its content of carbon dust is higher with δ13C tending to be more positive.
作者 查理思 吴克宁 梁思源 魏洪斌 李晨曦 ZHA Lisi WU Kening LIANG Siyuan WEI Hongbin LI Chenxi(School of Land Science and Technology, China University ofGeosciences, Beijing 100083, China Key Laboratory of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Ministry of Land and Resources, Beijing 100035, China School of Public Administration, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China)
出处 《土壤学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期23-35,共13页 Acta Pedologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41371226)资助~~
关键词 文化遗址 遗物遗迹 土壤理化性质 植物遗存 Cultural Relic Site Relics Soil physic-chemical properties Plant remains
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