
拔节期杂交中稻对淹水胁迫的响应及指示性指标探讨 被引量:7

Response of Hybrid Mid-season Rice to Flooding and Discussion of Indicative Index at the Jointing Stage
摘要 长江中下游地区夏季强降水频发,杂交中稻在拔节期易受涝害影响。为定量揭示淹水胁迫对水稻的影响和科学评估灾损,提供形态学、生理特性和产量结构的数据基础,同时筛选拔节期水稻淹水胁迫后受涝及减产程度的指示性指标,在丰两优香1号拔节期设计了不同淹深(1/4PH、1/2PH、3/4PH和全淹)及不同淹水持续时间(3 d、6d和9 d)交互试验。结果表明,拔节期杂交中稻受淹后,株高、节间显著伸长,且第2节间伸长速度快于第1节,植株黄叶数显著增多,最长叶片长度显著增长,且株高增长量(Y_(PH))、节间长度(Y_(IL))、黄叶数(Y_(YL))、最长叶片长度(Y_(LL))均与淹涝天数(D)和淹深(H)呈显著的二元一次关系;同一淹水持续时间处理,随着淹水深度的增加,水稻叶片中叶绿素a、叶绿素b含量和可溶性蛋白含量逐渐降低,而可溶性糖含量呈先增高后降低的趋势;剑叶中MDA含量均随淹水历时和淹水深度的增加而升高,在根系中,当淹水持续时间为3 d和6 d时,其MDA含量随淹水深度的增加而升高,但在淹水持续时间为9 d时,表现为先升高后降低,其拐点在1/2 PH淹水深度;同时,在同一淹水持续时间下,随着淹水深度的增加,叶片和根系中SOD活性先升高后降低,而剑叶中POD活性持续升高,且水稻受淹越深,其增加幅度愈大,但在根系中的变化趋势是先升高后降低,拐点出现在淹水第6 d的1/2 PH淹深;拔节期水稻受到不同程度涝害后,结实率和千粒重显著下降,当淹水深度达到株高的1/4且持续6 d,其结实率降低20%以上,产量减少19%以上。灰色关联度和聚类分析表明,叶绿素b、可溶性蛋白和叶绿素a可作为拔节期水稻受涝后的关键性生理指标,用于指示、监测水稻受涝及减产程度。 In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, there is more rainfall in summer, especially in jointing stage of hy- brid mid-season rice, so that rice is liable to suffer from waterlogging damage. In order to quantitively reveal the influence of flooding on hybrid mid-season rice growth, scientifically assess the yield loss caused by it, and to provide data base of the morphological, physiological characteristics and yield structure, those indexes presented higher correlation degree with relative yield could be used as key morphological and physiological indexes to indicate the yield reduction level at the jointing stage of hybrid mid-season rice after flooding, a cross test of flooding depth (a quarter, a half, three-quarters and full submerged) and waterlogging duration (3, 6 and 9 days) was done in the jointing stages of hybrid mid-season rice. The results showed that after submergence treatment, the rice height and the internode length all present elongation(the lrd and 2th internode elongate mainly in the booting stage, the 2rd internode elon- gating faster), the yellow leaves number and the longest leaf length of plant increased significantly, which is significant linear positive correlation with the increase of flooding depth and waterlogging duration, A significant correlation of two variables with the first power exists among Y~ (plant height growth ), YIL (internode length ), Y~ (yellow leaves number), YLL (longest leaf length)and D (submer- gence days), H (submergence depth); as far as physiological characteristics, under the identical flooding duration, chlorophyll(Chla and Chlb) and soluble protein content of sword leaf was decreased with the increase of waterlogging duration, which has significant negative correlation with flooding depth, but the content of soluble saecharide was increased first and then decreased with the increase of flooding depth, while the MDA content in the sword leaf was significantly positively related with the increase of flooding depth, and in the root was increased first and then decreased when the flooding duration was 9 days, which the turning point was a half submer- gence depth. At the same time, the activity of SOD in the sword leaf and root was increased first and then decreased with the increase of flooding depth, the activity of POD in sword leaf presents the rising trend with the increase of flooding depth, moreover the severe the waterlogged depth was, the higher the amplification of POD activity could be, and that in root was increased first and then de- creased with the increase of flooding depth, which the turning point was a half of submergence for 6 days, under the identical flooding duration. In light of the yield component, the seed setting rate reduced by more than 20% and yield decreased by 19% than that of the control when the rice run into quarter of submergence for 6 days at the jointing stage. Through gray correlation and cluster analysis in this research, it was concluded that Chlb, soluble protein and Chla content could be used as key physiological indexes in evaluating waterlogged and reduction of yield degree after flooding.
作者 晏军 吴启侠 朱建强 徐笑笑 张露萍 YAN Jun WU Qixia ZHU Jianqiang XU Xiaoxiao ZHANG Luping(J Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain Industry, Jingzhou 434025, Chin College of Agriculture, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434025, China)
出处 《中国稻米》 北大核心 2017年第1期17-25,共9页 China Rice
基金 农业部公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201203032)
关键词 杂交中稻 淹水胁迫 形态结构 生理特性 指示性指标 hybrid mid-season rice flooding stress morphological structure physiological property indicative index
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