

Shi Diao and the Social Enlightenment Movement in the Late Qing Dynasty
摘要 流传于市井的时调艺术以其俚俗时行的特质,与清末启蒙思潮正相契合,因而被一些感时忧世的爱国文人所关注、重视并加以利用,成为开启民智、再造人心、救亡图存、改良社会的利器。启蒙者根据清末流行的时调曲调新填的曲词,已经完全跳出儿女情思、古人古事、市井俗态的窠臼,不但在题材内容、创作动机等方面呈现出新的质素,不论是感慨时政、劝戒恶俗,还是破除迷信、介绍新知,无不体现出"启蒙救亡"的特色,而且承载着救亡图存的爱国精神及强身—强种—强国、男女平等平权与维新图强的思想,因而老树发新芽,在清末社会启蒙运动中扮演着重要角色。发掘时调艺术在清末启蒙思潮中所起的积极作用,对于清末社会启蒙运动研究的推进及重新评估时调之类的民间文艺的价值不无裨益。 Because of its popularity, Shi d/ao 时调 ( popular tune ) was in line with the social enlightenment movement in the late Qing Dynasty and thus attracted attention of the patriotic intellectuals, who employed this type of popular musical and literary genre to awaken Chinese people to their palriotic mission of saving their nation from outside bullying and invasion through mental and social reforms. Different from the old themes ( e.g. love stories and legends ) associated with this genre, Shi diao thus created acquired a distinctive feature of pursuing social enlightenment and reforms, which were intended to eliminate superstitions and backward customs and traditions, inlroduce new knowledge, enhance the mental and physical quality of Chinese people, and even achieve the equality between men and women. These patriotic themes made Shi diao, the old type of music and literary genre, play an important role in the enlightenment movement in the late Qing Dynasty. A good understanding of this is very important for the exploration of the social and literary value of the folk arts and literature at that time.
作者 李秋菊
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期125-135,共11页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"明清民国歌谣整理与研究及电子文献库建设"(15ZDB078)的阶段成果
关键词 时调唱歌 清末社会启蒙运动 开启民智 救亡图存 启蒙精神 Shi diao social enlightenment movement in the late Qing Dynasty enlightening the people national salvation enlightenment spirit
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