

Theory of Genealogy in Terms of Value and the Memories of the Dan Role——Based on the Spectrum Preface Composed by Huang Yanpei and Huang Snow Valley and the Spectrum
摘要 以谱齐家,是历代谱学家所秉持的谱政观念,而谱载世系、志传、祖典、家训及家学等恰好也成为了家风的物质记忆。黄炎培先生修谱坚持"以谱齐家"的观念,认为修谱能促进家庭文化建设,激励后人立德、立功以继承祖典与家学,由爱一家一族而至于爱民族、爱国族,甚至可以形成家族乃至民族的文化特质,从而自立于世界民族之林。据黄炎培举人中式《朱卷履历》和《黄氏雪谷公支谱》史料,参以明清诗文别集及方志文献史料,考证黄炎培始祖为春申君黄歇,上海始迁祖为黄彦,而其十世祖至七世祖则为黄锡周、黄霂、黄恒松、黄焜和黄煜,累世经商,"富而好礼",成为商才儒魂的典范,而这也形成了黄氏家族的家风,并影响到黄炎培的父祖辈及其本人的人生价值取向。 With spectral terms is a successive spectrum in upholding the concept of spectrum administration,and spectrum lineage,the spread,Zu Dian,family precepts and family customs also became a family trait of physical memory. Mr Huang Yanpei modified the spectrum adhering to the "with spectral terms"concept,believing that spectrum can promote family culture construction,encourage later generations to build morale and to make contributions to inherit Zu Dian and family tradition. Patriotic love will be generated from the love for the gens to the love for the nation,and even can form a family and the national culture,so as to stand proudly in nations of the world. Also,according to the historical data of Huang Yanpei juren Chinese style Zhu Resume and Huang Snow Valley and the Spectrum,and combined with exploring the classificatory books disseminating the Ming and Qing dynasties poetry and distinguishing historical documents,textual research on Huang Yanpei ancestor found that it was Chun Shen Jun Huang Xie. Shanghai moving progenitor started from Huang Yan,and its ten sai- jo to seven sai- jo were respectively Huang Xizhou,Huang Mu,Huang Hengsong,Huang Kun and Huang Yu. The Huang family was engaged in trade for generations and always being"rich and generous",becoming a soul model of dealer of Confucianism,which formed the Huang family trait of family tradition,and affected the life value orientation of father and grandparents of Huang Yanpei as well as his own.
作者 赵春辉 ZHAO Chun-hui(Department of Social and Cultural Studies, Party School of CPC Heilongjiang Provincial Committee, Harbin 150080, China)
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2017年第1期85-91,共7页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目(15FZW049)
关键词 黄炎培 家谱 齐家 家风 Huang Yanpei a family tree spectrum in terms family tradition
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