
旅游者购买意愿和满意度模式研究——基于旅游行为构造的视角 被引量:1

On the Mode of Tourists' Purchase Intention and Satisfaction Degree:Based on the Perspective of Tourist Behavior Construction
摘要 首先,基于旅游行为构造的视角,运用文献研究和比较研究等方法从研究旅游者的旅游行为的意义和形态入手,对旅游行为的主体进行了较为详细的分类;其次,通过分析旅游者的购买意愿和满意度的模式来解释旅游行为构造下的旅游需求;最后,就旅游者的心理和行动的诸多表现进行了相关的分析和论述。研究目的在于通过分析旅游者购买意欲的模型,推导出其满意度的形成过程,进而诠释旅游主体即游客的内在心理需求活动与欲望反映出的种种行为,以期为开发和拓展国(境)内外客源市场,充分和合理地利用旅游资源,以及在旅游产品及旅游线路的开发设计方面提供一个初步的理论框架研究参考。 Based on the construction of tourist behavior, adopting literature study, comparative method and field observation, this paper firstly classifies the subjects of tourist behavior in detail through the meanings and forms of the tourist behavior; secondly, it interprets the tourist demand through analyzing the mode of tourist purchase intention and satisfaction degree; and finally, it makes an analysis on tourist psychological performance and behavioral expression. The aim of this study is to deduce the formative process of satisfaction degree by the mode of tourist purchase intention, so as to further elaborate their behaviors behind mental activity and desire. It expects to provide an initial theoretical framework on developing tourist market at home and abroad, by using tourist resource adequately and reasonably, and developing tourist products and tourist routes.
作者 李刚 黄朕 LI Ganga HUANG Zhena'b(a. School of Busines b. School of Graduates, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin 300222, China)
出处 《广西师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第1期93-100,共8页 Journal of Guangxi Teachers Education University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 2013年度国家社会科学基金一般项目"旅游目的地周期性演化与治理机制研究"(13BGL089) 2015年度天津市哲学社会科学研究规划项目"京津冀区域旅游协作可持续发展保障机制研究"(TJYY15-009)
关键词 旅游行为主体 旅游行为构造 游客购买意愿 游客满意度 游客心理和行为 subjects of tourist behavior construction of tourist behavior tourist purchase intention tourist satisfaction tourist psychology and behavior
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