We consider a cooperative system consisting of a source node, a destination node, N (N 〉 1) wirelesspowered relays, and an eavesdropper. Each relay is assumed to be with a nonlinear energy harvester, in which there exists a saturation threshold, limiting the level of the harvested power. For decode-and-forward and power splitting protocols, the Kth best relay is selected to assist the source-relay-destination transmission. An analytical expression for the secrecy outage probability is derived, and also verified by simulation.
Project supported by tile National High-Tech R&D Program (863) of China (No. 2015AA016304), the National Natural Sci- ence Foundation of China (Nos. 61401372 and 61531016), the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (No. 20130182120017), the Natural Science Foundation of CQ CSTC (Nos. cstc2013jeyjA40040 and cstc2016jcyjA2002), the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China (No. 2016M590875), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Uni- versities, China (Nos. XDJK2014A017, XDJK2015B023, and XDJK2016A011)