
《建筑经济》十年文献统计分析(二)——基于作者和研究机构贡献与合作的视角 被引量:2

Literature Statistical Analysis on Journal of Construction Economy Ⅱ:From the Perspective of Authors and Research Institutions
摘要 学者和研究机构是推动工程管理领域学术发展和创新的重要力量。以《建筑经济》2006~2015年发表的论文为对象,运用文献统计分析法,揭示该时期署名作者和机构在贡献度与合作方面的特征和变化趋势:占总量28.4%的署名作者累计贡献度达到了62.1%;在三类署名机构中,学术机构(主要是高校)累计贡献度最多,达到了68.8%;不同署名机构合作的论文数量也达到论文总数的30.8%。 Professional scholars and research institutions are always important forces promoting academic development and innovation in construction management field. Based on the papers published in Journal of Construction Economy from 2006 to 2015,explores the contribution and collaboration of authors and research institutions through literature statistical analysis method. Results show that 28.4% of authors contributed to 62.1% of the total score. Among the three types of institutions,the contribution of academic institution(mainly universities)was most significant(68.8% of the score). The number of papers published between different institutions on basis of collaboration reached 30.8% of the total papers.
作者 梁晔华 张尚 陈静静 LIANG Yehua ZHANG Shang CHEN Jingjing(Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215011, China)
机构地区 苏州科技大学
出处 《建筑经济》 2017年第2期91-95,共5页 Construction Economy
关键词 建筑经济 文献统计 研究机构 贡献度 construction economy literature statistics research institution contribution score
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