
银川地区中老年人25-羟维生素D检测结果分析 被引量:6

Analysis of Vitamin D Results of Partial Middle and Old People in Yinchuan
摘要 目的分析银川地区部分中老年体检者血清25-羟维生素D(25OHD)水平的分布状况。方法选择2013年10月~2015年9月宁夏银川地区50岁以上中老年体检者1 520例,排除肝、肾、肿瘤、糖尿病等疾病。采用电化学发光法测定血清25OHD水平并统计分析。比较性别和50~59岁、60~69岁、>70岁不同年龄段及春、夏、秋、冬四个季节的25OHD水平分布状况。结果研究对象25OHD平均水平为14.67±8.26 ng/ml,维生素D缺乏和不足者占80.66%,女性为84.49%,明显高于男性(74.96%,t=2.03,P<0.05)。研究对象维生素D缺乏者占42.76%,不足者占37.90%,正常者占13.68%,充足者仅占5.66%。男性和女性人群血清25OHD水平与年龄呈负相关(r=-0.16,P<0.01)。25OHD水平冬、春季明显低于夏、秋季,呈现季节性变化(F=19.30,P<0.001)。结论宁夏银川地区中老年人群普遍存在维生素D缺乏,需要重视及积极治疗。 Objective Analyzes the condition of serum 25-hydroxy Vitamin D (25OHD) level of partial middle and old age physical examinations in Yinehuan area. Methods Tested the level of serum 25OHD of 1 520 cases of senile medical with eleetrochemiluminescenee immunoassay (ECLIA) in October 2013 to September 2014 in Yinchuan,NingXia. exclusion of liv- er, kidney, cancer, diabetes and other diseases, and statistical analysis of each age group and one year 25-(OH)D distribution. Compared gender and 50 - 59,60 -69, 〉 70 years at different ages and spring, summer, autumn, winter four seasons 25OHD level distribution. Results All the mean level was 14.67 ± 8.26 ng/ml. The lack and deficiency of Vitamin D account was 80. 66%,and the female was 84.49% significantly higher than the male 74.96% (t=2.03,P〈0. 05). Used divide subjects into fore groups:the lack (42.76%),the deficiency (37.90%),nomal (13.68%) and good (5.66%) by the level of serum 25OHD. Vitamin D nutritional status was different in person of different ages. Fuither linear correlation analys showedgative correlation between the level of serum 25OHD and age (r=0.16 ,P〈0.01). There was seasonal variation in the level of serum 25OHD (F=19.30,P〈0. 001). It was highest in summer,and lower in spring and winter. Conclusion Vitamin D of middle-aged and old people in Yinchuan was general deficiency, which should pay more attention and actively treatment to these patients.
出处 《现代检验医学杂志》 CAS 2017年第1期144-146,共3页 Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine
关键词 25-羟维生素D 维生素D 中老年人 性别 季节 25OHD vitamin D middle aged and elderly people sex season
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