以铜片作为反应基底,白磷为磷源,在没有表面活性剂的辅助下,无水乙醇中120℃下反应4 h,成功合成了磷化亚铜纳米阵列。研究显示,反应温度和溶剂是两个重要的影响纳米阵列形成的因素。实验发现,120℃是最优的反应温度,高或低于这一温度均不利于纳米阵列的形成。而且,这种纳米阵列只在小分子单元醇如甲醇、乙醇中才能形成,其它溶剂如DMF、乙二醇、正己烷中,均不能获得纳米阵列。此外,时间演化实验表明:在120℃下,随着反应的进行,纳米阵列逐渐由疏松变得紧密。
Cu3P nanoarrays have been successfully prepared in ethanol at 120℃ for 4 h without the assistance of any surfactant, employing a smooth copper toil as a reaction substrate, white phosphorus as the phosphorus source. Research discovered that the reaction temperature and solvent were two important factors to affect the formation of Cu3P nanoarrays. It was fbund that 120 C was the optimum reaction temperature and the nanoarrays were not easily formed at the other temperatures. Also, the nanoarrays could be obtained only in monohydric alcohols such as methanol and ethanol, while not formed in some other solvents such as DMF, glycol and n-hexane. Furthermore, the time evolution experiments showed that the nanoarrays gradually changed from loose to compact at 120℃ with the extension of the reaction time.
Guangdong Chemical Industry