
发展牧区旅游与牧区发展研究——以内蒙古为例 被引量:3

A Research on Developing the Pastoral Area Tourism and the Development of the Pastoral Area——Taking the Case of Inner Mongolia
摘要 我国经过40多的改革发展,已基本确立了以能源产业、信息产业和加工制造业等工业产业主导的产业地位,大农业概念中的农业的基础地位不可动摇,也有了长足进步;相比之下,在大农业中占国土面积近一半的草原区域的依托天然草原并以传统畜牧业生产方式为基础的草原畜牧业,却一直在徘徊中抉择。目前国家正处于大力推进产业结构调整和转变发展方式的重要时期,草原畜牧业应当具有怎样的产业地位?草原牧区应当选择怎样的发展道路等问题,已经成为国家和地区发展战略中不可回避的问题。内蒙古是世界游牧文明的发源地,拥有世界著名的大草原。本文立足于内蒙古草原牧区,从发展牧区旅游与牧区发展视角就内蒙古的牧区发展做了浅显探讨,期望起到抛砖引玉的作用。 After more than 40 years of reform and development, China has basically established the industry status dominated by energy industry,information industry and manufacturing industry. The basic status of agricul- ture which made great progress in the modern agriculture's concept is unshakable. By contrast, based on the tradi tional ways which rely on the natural grassland, the pasture husbandry is faced with wandering dilemma of choice. The area of pasture accounts for nearly half of Chinese land area. China is in the vital period of promoting energeti- cally the industrial restructuring and the development pattern transforming. What status should the pasture hus- bandry industrial be in? What kind of development pattern should be adopted in pastoral area? These become una- voidable issues in national and regional development strategy. With the world famous vast grassland, Inner Mongo- lia is the cradle of nomadic culture. Based on Inner Mongolian grassland pasturing area, the author discusses the development of Inner Mongolian pastoral area from the perspective of developing pastoral area tourism and the de velopment of pastoral area in the hope of offering the reasonable proposals for the development.
作者 郝志成 孟克巴雅尔 阿荣娜 HAO Zhicheng MENGKEBAYER ARONGNA(Tourism College,Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot , Inner Mongolia 010022)
出处 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第5期106-112,共7页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 内蒙古 发展牧区旅游 牧区发展 Inner Mongolia develop the pastoral area tourism the development of pastoral area
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