开展ICP-OES法间接测定饮用天然矿泉水中总硬度的方法研究。利用ICP-OES法直接测定饮用天然矿泉水中钙和镁离子的含量,然后通过相关计算得出待测样品的总硬度值。结果表明,ICP-OES测定钙的检测限为7.8μg/L,线性系数为0.999 7,加标回收率在98.1%-102.5%之间;测定镁离子的检测限为3.9μg/L,线性系数为0.999 8,加标回收率在98.5%-103.2%之间。结论 ICP-OES法与国标方法相比差异无统计学意义,并且ICP-OES法具有快速简便、准确高效、抗干扰能力强等优点。
To develop a method for determination of total hardness in water by ICP-OES. Methods The total hardness in water was determined indirectly. Firstly we determined the total content of Ca and Mg with ICP-OES,then changing the results to total hardness. Results The detect limit of Ca was 7.2 μg/L,the linear correlation was 0.999 7,and the recovery rates was 98.1 %-102.5 %. The detect limit of Mg was 3.9 μg/L,the linear correlation was 0.999 8,and the recovery rates was 98.5 %-103.2 %. Conclusion There's no significant difference between the results of ICP-OES and national standard method. Also the ICP-OES method has the advantages of rapid,accurate,simple and little disturbance.
Food Research and Development