目的回顾分析脑结核在SWI m IP的表现,探讨SWI在脑结核检出和转归评估中的价值。方法收集17例脑结核患者,总结归纳脑结核灶的SWI m IP表现、进行分类,并比较SWI m IP与普通增强检出病灶的敏感性。结果 1)SWI m IP对病灶的检出率优于磁共振增强。2)脑结核病灶在SWI m IP的表现可分为四型:I型:以低信号为主的混杂信号,间杂细粒状、线样高信号;II型:呈均匀低信号;III型:呈等信号;Ⅳ型:呈中心等、高信号,周围线样低信号。结论SWI m IP在脑结核灶检出中有较大意义;脑结核在SWI m IP上有不同的表现类型,可能与其治疗转归有相关性。
Objective The representations of brain tuberculoma on susceptibility weighted imaging Minimum-intensity projec- tion( SWI mIP) were analyzed, then the advantages of SWI in detection of focal cerebral tuberculoma and the clinical application value of it in the follow-up of cerebral tuberculomas were discussed. Methods There were 17 cerebral tuberculosis patients, all the SWI mlP performance of tuberculomas were summed up and classified; then the sensitivity of SWI mIP and enhanced MRI to detect tuberculosis lesions was compared. Results 1 )The detection rate of tuberculoma on SWI mlP was superior to enhanced- MRI ; 2) Accm'ding to the brain tuberculomas performance on SWI mIP, they were sorted to four kinds as following : type I : the tu- berculomas were mixed hypointensity signals ; type II : they were military hypointensity ; type III: they were isointensity; type IV : they were isointensity or hyperintensity, with hypointensity ring. Conclusion 1 ) The detection of cerebral tuberculosis by SWI mlP was significance ; 2) The different performance of cerebral tuberculoma on SWI mlP may be correlated with its treatment out- come.
Journal of Medical Imaging
central nervous system
Magnetic resonance imaging
Susceptibility-weighted imaging