

Brief Discussion on Black Paradox of Subject Construction:Ideological Errors in Invisible Man
摘要 《看不见的人》的研究成果中,虽然对黑人文化语境下黑人身份追寻的方式、路径与图景做了详尽的论述,却忽视了种族主义主导下黑人身份建构的悖论性。作家拉尔夫·艾里森在小说中明确指明身份建构中理应极力避免的两大误区:其一是历史上盛极一时的"就地取水"思维,另一个是白人社会极力推崇实践的爱默生思想。"就地取水"思维由黑人教育家发起倡导,但解决民族教育落后等问题时并未清除种族主义痼疾;爱默生主义在经济援助上看似是对黑人民族的重大关切,却处处与所谓的种族平等主张相抵牾。因此,上述双重思想误区表征了白人种族主义意识形态的隐蔽性,可管窥种族主义意识形态主导下黑人主体建构的悖论性。 Among the research results of Invisible Man, the scholars have made a detailed discussion on the background of the black identity under cultural context, but they still ignore the paradoxical concept of the racist ideology-dominated context. In the novel, the writer Ralph Ellison clearly points out that two errors should he avoided in the construction of black identity. One of them is the thought "Cast down your bucket where you are" that was very popular in the history. Another one is called Emersonism, which is been highly recommended and practiced in the white community. The "Cast down your bucket where you are" is initiated and advocated by the black educator to address black peoples' educational backwardness issues. It does not eradicate racism. The Emersonsim focuses on the economic aid, which is been applied in the inequality racism. Thus, the double erroneous concepts characterize the hidden ideology of white racism, which can help get a glimpse at the paradox of constructing black subjectivity in the context of racist-dominated ideology.
作者 王改霞
出处 《无锡职业技术学院学报》 2017年第1期84-87,共4页 Journal of Wuxi Institute of Technology
关键词 拉尔夫·艾里森 《看不见的人》 主体建构 白人种族主义 悖论性 Ralph Ellison Invisible Man construction of subjectivity White Racism Paradox
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