为解决矿区排土场生态修复难和生态修复成本高的问题,提出了一种新的穴铺建植技术对排土场进行生态修复,并于2012—2015年期间选择4种建植技术对永顺煤炭有限公司矿区排土场开展生态修复工作。基于修复后(2015年)的植被生长状况和土壤改良效果,并通过对比分析的手段,对不同建植技术的生态修复效果进行了评价。结果表明:穴铺植生袋建植法(A)、旱梯田坡面建植法(B)、旱坡植生袋建植法(C)和沙柳围护建植法(D)4种不同建植技术中,在植被覆盖度方面表现为A(85%)>C(80%)>B(73%)>D(63%)>E(7%,裸地);土壤容重方面表现为A(1.21g/cm3)<C(1.27g/cm3)<B(1.31g/cm3)<D(1.43g/cm3)<E(1.52g/cm3);土壤侵蚀模数方面表现为A[3 630t/(km^2·a)]<C[6 350t/(km^2·a)]<B[7 860t/(km^2·a)]<D[15 730t/(km^2·a)]<E[26 000t/(km^2·a)],均表明A技术在植被生长状况和土壤质地改良方面效果显著,有效解决了试验区人工建植植物群落稳定性差和水土流失量大等问题,成功完成了试验区的生态修复。穴铺植生袋建植技术在矿区排土场或类似区域的生态修复工程实践中具有良好的借鉴和参考作用。
In order to solve the problem of high cost of ecological restoration and ecological restoration difficulty in coal mining area, a new method of planting technology(hole spread implant bag method) was proposed to carry out ecological restoration. During the period from 2012 to 2015, 4 kinds of construction techniques were selected to carry out the ecological restoration work on the dump in coal mine of Yongshun Coal Co. , Ltd. Based on the vegetation growth status and soil improvement effect, the effect of different construction techniques were evaluated by the means of comparative analysis. The results showed that the vegetation coverage of the four kinds of construction techniques: hole spread implant bag method (A), drought terrace slope method (B), implant bag method (C), and Salix enclosure planting method (D), decreased in the order: A(85%)〉C(80%)〉B(73%)〉D(63%)〉E(7%, Bare land); soil bulk density increased in the sequence of A(1. 21 g/cm^3)〈C(1.27 g/cm^3)〈B(1.31 g/cm^3)〈D(1.43 g/cm^3)〈E(1.52 g/cm^3); soil erosion modulus increased in the sequence of A[3 630 t/(km^2 · a)]〈C[6 350 t/(km^2· a)]〈B[7 860 t/(km^2 · a)]〈D[15 730 t/(km^2 · a)]〈E[26 000 t/(km^2 · a)]. The results showed that technique A bad better performance on the vegetation growth status and soil texture improvement aspects, and solved the problems such as the difference of stability of the artificial plant communities and the water and soil erosion in the experimental area, and successfully completed the experimental area of ecological restoration. And the technique A has a good reference function in the practice of the field or similar regional ecological restoration projects.
Research of Soil and Water Conservation
opencast coal mine
planting technology
ecological restoration