观察人工感染家兔豆状囊尾蚴后体内2种细胞因子水平的动态变化,在分子水平上研究豆状囊尾蚴病的免疫学机制。实验组家兔经口感染豆状囊尾蚴,对照组为健康家兔,持续观察50 d,感染后3 h、3 d、10 d、20 d、30 d、40 d、45 d、50 d采集对照组和实验组兔血清,用ELISA法检测兔血清中的IFN-γ、IL-10的动态变化。结果表明,实验组2种细胞因子水平始终高于对照组,其中Th1细胞因子IFN-γ水平在感染后35 d达到峰值,感染40 d后缓慢降低;Th2细胞因子IL-10维持在较低水平,40 d明显上升并达到峰值,45 d后缓慢降低。提示Th1细胞介导的细胞免疫与Th2细胞介导的体液免疫共同介入了宿主抗豆状囊尾蚴免疫;感染早期主要以Th1类细胞介导的细胞免疫为主,感染中期和晚期转化为以Th2细胞介导的体液免疫为主。
To observe two cytokines level dynamic change in rabbits after being artificial infected,and study the immunological mechanisms of Cysticercus pisiformis on the molecular level.Methods:Experimental rabbits infected Cysticercus pisiformis in vivo,while the contrast group is healthy,continue to observe them 50 days,collect each group serum after infection 3 h,3 d,10 d,20 d,30 d,40 d,45 d,50 d,using ELISA method to detect IFN-γ and IL-10 changes.Results:Two kinds of cytokines in experimental group was always higher than the contrast group,besides Th1 cytokines IFN-γ reaching peak in 35 days after infection and slowly reduced after 40 days.Th2 cytokines IL-10 remained at lower levels,obviouly increased after 40 days and IL-10 reached to peak in 40 days,slowly reduced after 45 days.Conclusion:The Th1 cells mediated cellular immunity and Th2 cells mediated humoral immunity participate in the host of Cysticercus pisiformis immune commonly.Early infection mainly dominated by cellular immunity while middle and late infection mainly dominated by humoral immune.
Journal of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine