隧道工程建设过程中存在地质勘测及施工管理不到位等情况,隧道塌方等事故时有发生,对施工人员的生命安全造成极大威胁。文章通过引入贝叶斯网络(Bayesian Network,BN)方法,综合利用历史事故案例数据库和专家经验数据,建立了塌方风险分析模型,以定量化的风险发生概率为风险基准设定了隧道施工的容许位移量和容许位移速率,并提出了基于Web平台的隧道工程建设安全风险可视化系统,实现了隧道施工过程中变形的实时监测、变形预测和现场安全风险预警可视化。该系统在工程中的实际运用,表明所提出的理论方法与系统具有工程预警实用效果。
Such accidents as collapses occur from time to time due to inexhaustive geological surveying and im- proper construction management during tunnel construction, which cause severe threats to the safety of construction workers. A tunnelling collapse prediction model is developed based on the Bayesian Network and database with cas- es and experts'experiences, allowing the displacement and displacement rate to be set by taking the quantitative tun- nel risk probability as the criterion. A Web-based risk visualization system for tunnel construction is put forward, re- alizing real-time monitoring, deformation prediction and risk warning visualizations for tunnel construction safety. Its application in a practical case indicates the proposed method and system can effectively provide warnings for the project.
Modern Tunnelling Technology