
从“右倾机会主义者”到“正确路线代表”——刘志丹在中共党内政治境遇探析 被引量:1

From the "Right Opportunist" to "Correct Line Representative"——An Analysis of the Changes of Liu Zhidan's Political Status in the CPC
摘要 刘志丹在中共党内的政治形象和历史地位曾发生过重大变化。刘志丹在创建西北红军和根据地过程中,抵制了中共上级党组织"左"的指示和命令,因此陕西省委及中共中央驻北方代表都认为刘志丹存在程度不等的"右倾"思想。这造成刘志丹在中共党内屡遭打压和排挤,甚至因"陕北肃反"被关入监狱,几乎遭受杀身之祸。中共中央长征抵达西北根据地后虽然制止了"陕北肃反"的蔓延,释放了刘志丹等肃反受难幸存者,但是并未纠正关于刘志丹"右倾"的政治定性。西北高干会上,中共中央高度肯定刘志丹在创建中共西北红军和根据地过程中发挥的重要作用和建立的功勋,并被树立为中共西北根据地正确路线的典范。西北高干会确定的关于刘志丹在中共党内的历史地位在后来被逐渐巩固和加强。刘志丹在中共党内政治沉浮是中共对自身认识发展变化的反映,比较集中反映出中共在一定时期政治路线、政策发展演变的复杂历程。 Liu Zhidan's political image and position underwent significant changes in the in the history of the CPC. Liu resisted the "left" instructions and orders from the superior Party organization in the course of creating the Red Army and revolutionary bases in the northwest, so both the then Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and the representative of the CPC Central Committee in North China thought that Liu Zhidan had "rightist" ideas to dif- ferent extents. As a result, he had suffered repeated suppression and demotion within the Party. Upon its arrival at the northwest revolutionary base, the CPC Central Committee stopped the spread of the campaign to "purge counter -revolutionaries" in Northern Shaanxi and released Liu Zhidan and other survivors after the Long March, but didn' t correct the political identification of Liu as a "rightist". It was not until in the Northwestern Senior Cadres' Meeting that the CPC Central Committee acknowledged Liu's important role and achievements in creating the Chi- nese Red Army and revolutionary bases in northwest China, and set him as a representative for the correct line of the CPC's northwestern base. Liu's historic position within the CPC established in the meeting was later consolidat- ed and strengthened. Liu' s ups and downs within the CPC revealed the Party' s evolution in self - cognition, as well as the complex evolution of its political lines and policies in certain periods.
作者 魏德平 WEI Deping(School of Marxism, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872)
出处 《中国延安干部学院学报》 2016年第6期65-73,共9页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an
关键词 陕北肃反 西北高干会 毛泽东 刘志丹 campaign to purge counterrevolutionaries in Northern Shaanxi Northwestern Senior Cadres' Meet-ing Mao Zedong Liu Zhidan
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  • 1吴福章.西安事变亲历记[M]中国文史出版社,1996.










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