It has been over forty years since Jean Chesneaux published his edited volume Popular Movements and Secret Societies in China, and some twenty years since David Ownby and Mary Somers Heidhues published their edited volume Secret Societies Reconsidered On popular religions, both Daniel Overmyer's FoItc Buddhist Religion and Susan Naquin's Millenarian Rebellion in China were also published almost forty years ago.1 Although there have been a number of important studies published both inside and outside of China on secret societies and popular religions since the 1990s, in recent years there has been a surge in new research, much of it still unpublished, on this important subject in Chinese history.
It has been over forty years since Jean Chesneaux published his edited volume Popular Movements and Secret Societies in China, and some twenty years since David Ownby and Mary Somers Heidhues published their edited volume Secret Societies Reconsidered On popular religions, both Daniel Overmyer's FoItc Buddhist Religion and Susan Naquin's Millenarian Rebellion in China were also published almost forty years ago.1 Although there have been a number of important studies published both inside and outside of China on secret societies and popular religions since the 1990s, in recent years there has been a surge in new research, much of it still unpublished, on this important subject in Chinese history.