
汇率、劳动力调整成本与就业 被引量:1

The Exchange Rate Fluctuations,Labor Adjustment Cost and Employment
摘要 将劳动力调整成本引入贸易模型,可分析经济开放条件下就业面对汇率冲击的调整过程。利用动态面板等方法对中国采掘业和工业33个部门1998—2009年汇率对就业的影响进行实证分析,结果表明:较高的劳动力调整成本和汇率波动降低就业汇率弹性,较高的经济开放度提高就业对汇率的弹性,较高的生产率降低就业对汇率的弹性;劳动力调整成本通过限制就业流动降低了就业汇率弹性,并且对低劳动生产率的行业的影响大于高劳动生产率行业。 This paper introduces labor adjustment cost to trade model, and analyzes employment adjustment process in the face of the exchange rate fluctuation. The paper uses dynamic panel estimation to test the impact of exchange rate on employment conducted by 33 extractive and 2009. The results show that labor adjustment cost and exchange manufacturing sectors within China during 1998- rate volatility attenuate the elasticity of the employment to the exchange rate, and the openness and the productivity increase the elasticity of the employment to the exchange rate. Labor adjustment cost reduces the elasticity of employment to the exchange rate through job flow, and has a larger effect on the low -productivity industries than that on the high -productivity industries.
作者 杨红彦
出处 《首都经济贸易大学学报》 CSSCI 2017年第2期12-21,共10页 Journal of Capital University of Economics and Business
基金 河北省社会科学基金项目"贸易自由化背景下河北省企业生产率提升机制研究--基于资源配置的视角"(HB16YJ074) 河北省社会科学基金项目"环境约束背景下河北省生态技术创新成果产业化研究"(HB15GL067)
关键词 就业 汇率 劳动力调整成本 生产率 employment exchange rate labor adjustment cost productivity
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