
基于“三生空间”协调的农村居民点布局优化研究 被引量:53

Study on Layout Optimization of Rural Settlements Based on Coordination of Production,Living and Ecology Space
摘要 开展农村居民点布局优化研究,对集约利用土地资源、重塑村落景观格局具有重要的现实意义。选取典型丘陵区重庆市荣昌区河包镇为研究区,以农村居民点"共生斑块"为研究单元,基于"三生空间"协调理念,研究了农村居民点布局优化的策略和方向。结果表明:(1)基于共生关系建立农村居民点"共生斑块"更加符合丘陵区的实际情况。将研究区相距50m以内的农村居民点斑块进行合并处理后,其数量由2 584个减少到1 047个,实现了具有共生关系的农村居民点斑块一体化。(2)依据"三生空间"协调理念,对农村居民点"共生斑块"等级进行评价,其在空间上呈现出由内向外的差序格局,根据斑块等级、斑块规模、三生空间协调度、城镇规划,采取"城镇化、重点建设、规模管控、迁移合并"的差异化布局优化策略。(3)将重点建设型居民点中的优势斑块作为发生元,生成加权Voronoi图,可指导全镇农村居民点空间格局趋于合理化。研究认为,"三生空间"协调理念与空间分析工具的有机结合,既完成了农村居民点布局优化,又维持了其空间结构的稳定,有助于实现乡村转型与乡土文化传承。 Research on optimization of rural settlement patterns has practical significance for intensive use of rural land resources and reshaping rural landscape.We selected Hebao Town,Rongchang District,Chongqing municipality as a case study.This town is located in typical hilly area.The‘symbiotic patch'of merged rural residential land was chosen as a unit for analysis.Based on the principle of coordinating production,living and ecology spaces(called as the three spaces hereafter),the strategies and directions of optimization of rural settlement patterns were investigated.The results indicated that:(1)the research unit of‘symbiotic patches' of rural residential land was appropriate because it took symbiotic relationship into account regarding the real situation of hilly areas;after rural residential patches within 50 meters buffer were merged into big ones,the number of patches decreased from 2 584 to 1 047,which showed that rural residential patches with symbiotic relationship came into integration;(2)in terms of the coordination concept of the three spaces,the grades of‘symbiotic patches' of rural residential land were also evaluated,the spatial pattern of grading map showed a gradient change from inside to outside;according to patch level,patch scale,coordination degree of the three spaces and town planning,different strategies of optimization of rural residential patches were proposed,which included urbanization,main construction,scale control and migration merge;(3)the weighted Voronoi diagram was generated by large settlement patches in the type of main construction,which would be reasonable to guide the pattern of rural settlements based on the diagram.In summary,this study suggested that combination of coordination concept of the three spaces and spatial analysis tools was workable because the combination was helpful to optimize the pattern of rural settlement patterns,maintain the stability of overall spatial pattern,and promote rural transformation and preservation of local culture.
出处 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期283-288,共6页 Research of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金"农村土地整治对局地景观格局的影响研究"(XDJK2013C070)
关键词 农村居民点 布局优化 三生空间 协调度 加权Voronoi图 rural settlement layout optimization production living and ecological spaces coordination degree weighted Voronoi diagram
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