
经世致用思想对新时期高校创业教育的启迪 被引量:2

Enlightenments of Humanistic Pragmatism Doctrine on College's Entrepreneurship Education in the New Period
摘要 培养经世致用的责任感是大众创业、万众创新的时代召唤,经世致用思想蕴含的理念契合高校创业教育改革的本质要求,创新创业的严峻社会现实迫切要求大学生具备经世致用的能力。当前高校创业教育陷入困境的重要原因是学校和学生缺乏经世致用的思想、理念与能力。因此,经世致用作为中华民族的优秀传统思想,对高校创业教育具有很强的启迪意义。高校创业教育过程中,要努力培养学生务当世之务、实学实干的创业精神,要努力培养学生勇于任事、敢于担当的创业品格,要努力培养学生开拓进取、敢于创新的创业意识,要努力培养学生知行合一、学以致用的创业能力。 The era of people to start their own businesses and to make innovations has called for the responsibility of training people's humanistic pragmatism, the conception of which has been in accord with the essential requirement of college's entrepreneurship education reform. The severely social realities of entrepre- neurship education have strongly asked for the college students' capacity of humanistic pragmatism. The impor- tant reason that current colleges' entrepreneurship education are in dilemmas lies in that both colleges and students lack of ideology, conception and capacity of humanistic pragmatism. Thus, being the best traditional thought of Chinese nation, humanistic pragmatism doctrine has thrown strong enlightenments on college's entre- preneurship education. In the course of entrepreneurship education, the colleges shall cultivate students with entrepreneurship spirit by devoting themselves to current affairs, strive to train them with entrepreneurship character of hardworking and shouldering responsibilities, exert great effort to cultivate them with entrepreneurship consciousness of pioneering and innovation, and develop them with entrepreneurship capacity of uniting knowing with doing, and learning for practice.
出处 《湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期166-171,共6页 Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 2015年度湖南省大学生就业创业指导特色教材研究立项课题(20150207)
关键词 经世致用 创业教育 时代价值 humanistic pragmatism entrepreneurship education value of the times
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