
2004-2015年国内血吸虫病相关论文及高被引论文分析 被引量:3

Analysis of Papers and Highly Cited Papers Related to Schistosomiasis in China From 2004 to 2015
摘要 目的对2004-2015年中文期刊刊载的血吸虫病相关论文及高被引论文进行分析,为相关期刊制定选题及组稿计划提供参考。方法以中国知网和万方数据知识服务平台为检索对象,检索发表于2004-2015年的血吸虫病相关论文,对各年发文量及论文类型进行分析;同时确定高被引论文,对其被引频次、分布期刊及类型进行分析。结果 2004-2015年中文期刊共发表血吸虫病相关论文6 756篇,其中防治类论文数最多3 411篇(50.48%)。2008年以前,总发文量及防治类论文数量总体呈上升趋势,2008年后均呈下降趋势。57.84%的(3 908篇)论文分布于10本国内寄生虫学期刊,其余散在分布于其他775种期刊。被引频次≥15次的高被引论文共209篇,分布于49种期刊,总被引频次为6 486次;其中防治类论文篇数最多110篇(53.63%),被引频次亦最高4 274次(65.90%)。前20篇高被引论文均为防治类,多为各年疫情通报或涉及防治策略的述评类文章。结论 2004-2015年中文期刊刊载血吸虫病相关论文(尤其是防治类论文)及高被引论文数量及类型在一定程度上反映了我国血防工作的历程及关注热点,相关期刊可在不同防治阶段的关键节点就相关热点问题进行选题及组稿。 Objective To analyze the papers as well as the highly cited papers related to schistosomiasis which are published in Chinese Journals so as to provide the evidences for formulating the plan of selecting topics and so- liciting contributions to related journals. Methods The published articles related to schistosomiasis included in CNKI and Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform from 2004 to 2015 were collected, the number and the types of the published papers were analyzed. In addition, the highly cited papers were determined according to the practical situation, and their citation frequencies, published journals and types were analyzed. Results From 2004 to 2015, amount to 6 756 papers related to schistosomiasis were published Chinese journals, among which, the number of the papers related to schistosomiasis control was the largest (3 411 papers, accounting for 50. 48% ). Before 2008, both the total number of schistosomiasis papers and the number of papers related to shistosomiasis control showed a rising trend in general, while after 2005, both the two showed a decreasing trend, amount to 3 908 papers (57.84%) were published in 10 Chinese journals on parasitology, the rest pa- pers were sparsely distributed in other 775 journals. A total of 209 papers distributed in 49 Chinese journals were selected as highly cited papers with the citation frequency ≥ 15, their total citation frequencies were 6 486, among which the number of the papers related to schistosomiasis control was the largest ( 110, accounting for 53.63% ), and their total citation frequency was also the highest (4 274, accounting for 65.90% ). All the top 20 highly cited papers were schistosomiasis control papers, and most of them were annual reports on endemi- c status of schistosomiasis or reviews on control strategies of the disease. Conclusion To some extent, the num- bers and the types of the schistosomiasis papers and the highly cited papers published in Chinese journals in 2004 -2015 reflect the course and the hotspots of schistosomiasis control work in China, so related journals can select topics and solicit contributions according to the hot issues at the key nodes of different control stages of schistosomiasis control.
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2017年第3期295-300,共6页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
基金 2016年江苏省期刊协会研究课题(2016JSQKB020号)
关键词 血吸虫病 防治 中文期刊 载文量 高被引论文 schistosomiasis control Chinese journal number of articles published highly cited paper
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