

Effect Evaluation of Sino-Korea Demonstration Project for Desertification Control in Wuqi County
摘要 介绍了中韩合作吴起县荒漠化治理项目造林面积、造林类型与典型模式设计,韩式育苗大棚、山地防沙固沙坝工程技术要求概况与实施效果。结果表明,项目规划设计的8个纯林造林典型模式和11个造林类型,造林成活率88%~95%,保存率85%~92%,造林设计科学、合理,可作为陕北地区造林工程方法、措施借鉴和参考。韩式大棚设施育苗技术苗木高度、冠幅、根系等生长量比大田提高约20%~30%,根系发达,移植成活率高;建成的6座石砌防洪坝已发挥截留泥沙作用,有的已形成有效水土流失防治区;农田护涧坝防风护田可提高粮食作物产量8%~13%;道路拦水皮垫有效减少了雨水对新建砂石道路的冲刷。 Sino-Korea demonstration project for desertification control in Wuqi was introduced in terms of afforestation area, forest type and afforestation models, Korean style of greenhouse, dam construc- tion engineering techniques for sand control and project implementation effect. The result showed that 8 pure forests establishment models and 11 afforestation types proved to be effective and reasonable, with their survival rate from 88 % to 95 % and retention rate from 85 % to 92 %. Korean style green- house for nursery can make seedlings improved in height, crown and root system 20% to 30% above those in open field, which make sure of the strong root system and higher survival rate during trans- planting. Six dams constructed have played effective role in blocking the sediments and controlling soil and water. Winter break improved the yield of crops by 8% to 13%. Leath cushion for blocking water can reduce the sand washout by rain.
作者 王涛 刘登强 程晓燕 郭苗苗 WANG Tao LIU Deng-qiang CHENG Xiao-yan GUO Miao-miao(Yan'an Forestry Work station, Yan' an , Shaanxi 716000 College of Life Science, Yan ' an University, Yan' an , Shaanxi 716000 Management Office of Forestry Foreign-Aided Project, Yan' an , Shaanxi 716000 Township Government of Zhao ' an , Ansai , Shaanxi 7174:00)
出处 《陕西林业科技》 2016年第6期78-81,97,共5页 Shaanxi Forest Science and Technology
基金 中韩合作吴起县荒漠化治理示范项目
关键词 中韩合作项目 荒漠化治理 造林设计 韩式大棚育苗 山地防沙固沙坝工程 Sino-- Korea cooperative project desertification control afforestation design Korean stylegreenhouse Mountain dam engineering for sand control.
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