目的使用三维CT重建技术对健康成年人群的侧脑室额角穿刺冠状平面的侧脑室宽度的正常值范围进行测量,研究进行侧脑室额角穿刺的最适宜方向。方法选择2013年1月-2016年1月来我院进行体检的正常健康成年人共68例,收集体检者的原始颅脑CT数据。使用三维CT重建技术对体检者的侧脑室额角穿刺冠状平面进行重建,在该平面上对单侧侧脑室宽度进行测量。将中线旁开2.5cm处作为为标准穿刺点,然后进行侧脑室额角穿刺的模拟。结果 68例健康成年人的单侧侧脑室的平均宽度为(15.59±2.85)mm(95%置信区间:15.32-16.26mm)。其中:年龄<44岁组侧脑室平均宽度为(13.49±3.32)mm;45<年龄<59岁组平均宽度为(15.24±3.65)mm;60<年龄<74岁组平均宽度为(15.96±3.57)mm,年龄>75岁组平均宽度为(18.63±2.96)m m,分析后发现差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。所有体检者的平均最大偏开角度为(17.66±1.53),通过统计学分析发现不同年龄组的最大偏开角度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);平均最小偏开角度为(6.08±3.27),且各组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论健康成年人群的侧脑室宽度会随年龄的增长而增大,而偏开角度会随年龄的增长而减小,通过研究发现侧脑室额角穿刺的最适宜偏开角度范围为6.08~17.66之间,能够保障穿刺的成功率。
Objective 3D CT reconstruction technique was used to explore healthy adults lateral ventricle puncture of frontal horn of coronal plane of the width of the lateral ventricles of normal value range, to explore the most appropriate direction of frontal horn of lateral ventricle puncture. Methods The data of 68 cases of normal healthy adults in our hospital from January 2013 to January 2016 were collected, and the brain CT data of physical examination were collected. The groups were divided according to the age: age〈44 group, (2)45〈age〈59 group, (3)60〈age〈74 group. (4)age〉75 group. 3D CT reconstruction technique was used on physical examination of frontal horn of lateral ventricle puncture in the coronal plane were reconstructed, ventricle width were measured in the plane of unilateral. 2.5 cm next to middle lane was used as standard puncture point, and then simulate the frontal horn of lateral ventricle puncture. Results The average width of the lateral ventricles in 68 healthy adults was (15.59±2.85)mm (95% confidence interval: 15.32 to 16.26mm). Age 〈 44 group of lateral ventricle width was (13.49 3.32mm), the average width of 45 〈 age 〈 59 group was(15.24±3.65)mm, average width of 60 〈 age 〈 74 group was (15.96±3.57mm), and the average width of age〉75 group was (18.63±2.96)nnn, the difference was statistically significant (P〈0.05). All persons of average maximum partial open angle was 07.66±1.53), the statistical analysis found that the largest partial open angle was not statistically significant different in all age group (P〉0.05), average mininnun deviation angle was (60.8±3.27), and there were sigmificant differences between the groups (P〈0.05). Conclusion The width of the lateral ventricles healthy adult population will increases with the growth of the age, and partial angle will decrease with the growth of the age, the research found that the most suitable partial angle range of frontal horn of lateral ventricle puncture is between 6.08 to 17.66, can safeguard the success rate of the puncture.
Chinese Journal of CT and MRI
Simulation Puncture
Lateral Ventricle
Lateral Ventricle Width
Coronary Plane