
学前儿童经济素养教育:价值、内容与途径 被引量:4

Exploration on the Value,Content and Approach of Economic Literacy Education for Preschoolers
摘要 学前儿童经济素养教育属于幼儿园社会领域教育内容,目前许多国家已形成完整的学前儿童经济素养教育体系,但在我国尚未引起学界足够重视。培养学前儿童的经济素养,有利于帮助其萌发正确的金钱观、消费观和人生价值观,从儿童终身发展的角度而言既是必要的也是可行的。本研究在借鉴国外学前儿童经济素养教育理论与实践的基础上,考虑我国学前儿童身心发展、生活与成长的实际情况,构建了包括"一个中心、两个背景、三个方面"的学前儿童经济素养教育模型,提出经济素养教育应坚持以儿童为中心,体现以儿童为本的思想;经济素养教育内容的设定应以儿童日常生活、社会经济发展为背景,从实际出发、与时俱进,包含货币及其使用、商品(或服务)、资源的稀缺性三个方面的具体内容。幼儿园可以利用社会领域综合主题活动、区域活动、全园图书漂流活动、节假日活动,以及借助家长资源等多种途径与方法对学前儿童进行经济素养教育。 Economic literacy education for young children is an important part of kindergarten social studies. Now many countries have already constructed preschool children's economic literacy education system. But in China, it has not yet attracted enough attention. Based on the theory and practice of economic literacy education for young children in other countries, this paper first discusses the necessity and feasibility of economic literacy education for Chinese preschool children, and then builds a model of economic literacy education for young children, which includes "a center, two backgrounds, three aspects". "One center" refers to the economic literacy education should adhere that children be the center and reflect children's developmental needs; "Two backgrounds" refers to the economic literacy education should be set to the daily life of children and the social and economic development of the country; "Three aspects" refers to the economic literacy education content should include money and use, goods (or service) and the scarcity of resources, reflecting the close relation between modern economics and society. Five approaches or methods of economic literacy education for preschool children are also put forward, which include the use of all kinds of books drifting activities, holiday activities and parents' resources in the area of social edu- cation, regional activities for preschool children.
作者 程秀兰 余瑶
出处 《学前教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期55-63,共9页 Studies in Early Childhood Education
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划教育部重点课题(编号:DKA140211)
关键词 经济素养 经济素养教育 幼儿园社会领域教育 economic literacy, economic literacy education, kindergarten social studies
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