在分析T1 相基本特性的基础上 ,结合相关工作 ,论述T1 相与位错的交互作用、T1 相与织构的相互影响、T1 相对合金各向异性的贡献及稀土Ce的作用。结果表明 ,T1 相因其分布及形貌而难以有效阻碍共面滑移 ;T1 相对形变织构的形成起调整作用 ;织构的存在使T1 相的分布及其与位错的作用发生变化 ,从而使其强化贡献具有各向异性。Ce影响形变织构的形成和合金的时效析出 ,并对共面滑移具有双重作用 ,从而改变T1
The interaction between T 1 precipitate and moving dislocations,interdependence between T 1 precipitate and textures,contribution of T 1 precipitate to anisotropy and effect of rare earth Ce on T 1 precipitate are described based on analysis of basic characters of T 1 precipitate The results show that T 1 precipitate can not block coplanar slip,but rectify the formation of deformed textures,and its distribution on four{111}planes and interaction with dislocations are changed by textures,and the strengthening contribution of T 1 precipitate is anisotropic The formation of deformed textures and precipitation of the alloy is affected by rare earth Ce,but it has contrary effects on coplanar slip
Nonferrous Metals
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 0 0 710 46)