目的观察护理干预对急诊危重患者院内转运的影响效果。方法 110例转运急诊危重患者,对其转运中实施护理干预,观察临床效果。结果 110例患者院内转运时间为10-20 min,平均转运时间为(14.35±2.24)min;1例途中复苏成功,1例手背部皮肤擦伤,1例输液管脱落,无死亡患者,转运成功110例(100.00%);患者及家属对转运满意108例(98.18%),无医疗护理纠纷发生;内部交接无一例因交接不清发生电话咨询;交接记录完善,记录完整107例(97.27%)。结论将护理干预应用于急诊危重患者院内转运中,保证了院内转运的安全性,值得临床应用。
Objective To observe influence of nursing intervention in hospital safety transportation for emergency critically ill patients. Methods A total of 110 emergency critically ill patients for transportation all received transportation comprehensive nursing intervention, and their clinical effect was observed. Results 110 patients had hospital transportation time as 10-20 rain, mean hospital transportation time as (14.35 ± 2.24)min. There were 1 successful resuscitation case during transportation, 1 back of the hand skin abrasions case, 1 infusion tube fall off case, and no dead case, with 110 successful transfusion cases (100.00%). 108 patients and relatives (98.18%) were satisfied for the transfusion, and no occurrence of medical and nursing disputes. There was no phone consolation due to unclear hand-over. Hand-over record was perfect, with 107 complete record cases (97.27%). Conclusion Nursing intervention can assure the security of hospital transfusion for emergency critically ill patients, and it is worth clinical application.
China Practical Medicine
Emergency critically ill patients
Hospital transportation
Nursing intervention